Wet Together by WET will be one of our guests on Better Sex Radio this week, July 15th at 11 a.m. Pacific on http://www.WSRadio.com/BetterSexRadio
Become ONE…together. His warms. Hers tingles. She applies his to him. He applies hers to her. Touch makes the connection The two unite, intimate, heart to heart. Combined both unique Wet Together formulas provide long lasting, silky smooth lubrication. Use as needed to supplement your own natural moistures. Enhance pleasure and intimcay. Washes away easily with warm water and mild soaps. Wet Together will not harm latex.
Tune in to our podcast with WET on http://www.WSRadio.com/BetterSexRadio
We also sell this product at our home pleasure parties in the Bay Area. Read more about our Pleasure Parties at http://www.BlissPartiesInc.com
Link to the Wet Together on our VERY TASTEFUL Online Romance Store: http://www.blissconnection.com/shop.cfm/Kama-Sutra-%26-Lubricants/Lubricants/Wettogether/

Wet Together