Masturbation Coaching on Better Sex Radio May 5th at 11:00

by Chrystal Bougon on May 4, 2010

Post image for Masturbation Coaching on Better Sex Radio May 5th at 11:00

 Imagine a guy masturbating WITHOUT the use of online porn and without a porn in the DVD player. I am very excited to have Dr. Korenna Reynard, Sex & Intimacy Coach, on the show this week to talk about this topic. May is MASTURBATION month! When I saw this link about Masturbation Coaching on her website, I knew I had to know this woman :

To tune in, go to at 11 a.m. Pacific on 5/5/2010

Here are some notes I received via Dr. Reynard via email in response to my questions about her coaching:

“When I worked with that particular client, he would actually view porn while pleasuring himself in the office, then turn his attention away from the videos and focus on the sensations in his body…slowly, he began to be able to maintain arousal and pleasure via his own bodily sensations vs. relying on the visual sensations from the porn. Not that there is anything wrong with porn….it’s just nice to be able to choose when to use it rather than needing it to get off!

Getting him in touch with the somatic sensations involved in his sexuality opened the door for him to reconnect with his wife too. He stopped feeling “bored” with their sex life & looking elsewhere for peak erotic experiences. I like to think of it as bringing depth to his sex life, where he had been relying on novelty and breadth.

Some of my favorite clients to work with are couples who are looking to (1) re-connect, or (2) expand their sexual & intimate lives. And women who are ready to expand/explore their sexual repertoire. I have a couple right now who have been married 15+ yrs, have a 9 y/o daughter, and feel their sex life has become boring/monotonous…which is straining their connection to each other and their marriage. We’ve been working on communication skills & connection in addition to more explicit sexual stuff.

I also have a handful of female clients who are interested in exploring their desires & the sensations available to them through their own bodies as well as experiences like g-spot orgasms & female ejaculation. I LOVE working with these clients….as well as with women who never or rarely orgasm and are interested in breaking through the blocks keeping them from the erotic pleasure that is their birth right.”

This is going to be a great interview and very educational for me!

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Blissfully, Chrystal    Sex Toys for Better Sex


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Korenna Reynard May 5, 2010 at 6:33 am

Thanks, Chrystal… I’m looking forward to speaking to you as well.

You listeners can visit my site to learn more about my work (and peruse sex tips & tricks on my blog!) at:

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