Ode to my Vibrator (Another “Guest” blog from a very satisfied friend of www.BlissConnection.com)

Lucid Vibe
I love thee purple vibrator, let me count the ways. You’ve been by my side for 6 good years, and you’re still as trusty as the day we first met.
I remember the night my husband picked you out for me, insisting you were the best choice out of all the other vibrators. Even though you’re blessed with multifunctions, I was skeptical at first because you were smaller than the others. But when I got you home I realized how phenomenal you really were, especially when I fed you brand new Energizer batteries.
You and I have many memories together that I will always cherish, like the nights I took you in the shower with me, or the fun in bed we have with my husband. He appreciates the joy you bring me, and prefers you to all my other vibrators.
I’m sorry, dear vibrator, for the day I left you on the bedroom floor and my dogs got a hold of you. I was shocked to find them in the living room, secretly biting little holes into you. After a bath in rubbing alcohol, you were almost like new.
You have seen the world with me and visited many countries. I apologize for the mean Customs Agent who nearly ripped you out of my suitcase, when she suspected me to have lied to her about something.
They say you feel like a millionaire when you have sex everyday, whether that is with someone or with yourself. If this is the case, then I am ultra rich because of you.
I will mourn the day of your death, and I will promptly replace you with one of your kin. But until that day I say “thank you” for all the fantastic orgasms.
Yours truly,
Orgasm Girl
***Thanks Orgasm Girl! We look forward to many more guest blogs from you! *****
http://www.BlissConnection.com is our online store and if you use the code SAVE10 you will get 10% off this purple vibe and FREE SHIPPING.