Bedroom Taboos and To Dos’: Deepen your sleep and sweeten

by Chrystal Bougon on March 16, 2009

I am so excited to have Sally Grisedale, on the radio show this week. Sally brings 15 years of experience as a corporate design executive to her career as a Classical Feng Shui consultant. Working for fortune 500 companies gave her a firsthand look at the impact our environments have upon our ability to lead happy and productive lives.

Curiosity prompted her to formally study Classical Feng Shui. Knowledge and experience  convinced her to apply what she learned to positively impact others.  Sally’s caring and professional wisdom has earned her a loyal and happy client base, helping home and business owners live in spaces that support their personalities, match their tastes and help them meet their goals.

Check out Sally’s eBook on Bedroom Taboos and To Dos’ here:


The show airs this Wednesday, March 18th at 11am Pacific time and you can listen as we stream live, or you can download the podcast Friday and up to one year after the show from

Bedroom Taboo’s and To Do’s Booklet

Our 15 page booklet contains 30 examples of common household items which, if left untended, might be hindering you from a good nights sleep and sweeter romance.

The booklet includes a check list you can use to review your own bedroom and monitor your progress toward better sleep and romance. Available online for immediate download. Price $12.50.
To open and print your copy from your computer you will need Adobe Acrobat or Reader 5.0 or later and above. The software to download our product is available free from



Thanks to Sally for coming on the show and sharing her expertise…..because Everyone Want to have Better Sex!

Blissfully, Chrystal




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