From the monthly archives:

October 2009

Clitoris: How can it still be so mysterious even in 2009?

by Chrystal Bougon on October 28, 2009

Sexy Places to Have Sex on – or are they?

by Chrystal Bougon on October 26, 2009

Top 10 Sex Toys of the San Francisco Bay Area Press Release

by Chrystal Bougon on October 22, 2009

Better Then Sex Chocolate Cake & Naughty Cocktails from Bliss

by Chrystal Bougon on October 22, 2009

Bay Area Sex Toys: Top 10 Best Sex Toys in the Bay Area

by Chrystal Bougon on October 18, 2009

Sex Toys: Top 10 Best Sellers in the Bay Area

by Chrystal Bougon on October 18, 2009