“Embrace and honor human sexuality” is CarnalNation.com’s mission

by Chrystal Bougon on October 27, 2009

CARNALNATION was developed out of a compelling need to counteract those oppressive forces, whether internal or external, that stifle sexual growth, awareness, and fulfillment. We believe that sex is a vital human need and that sexuality is an important component of who we are as individuals, how we relate to each other, and who we want to become. In our view, fear and disdain of all things sexual have led to a society that too often vacillates between impulsive titillation and compulsive repression. Such extremes can only have a negative impact on our physical, psychological, and social well being. Therefore, we strive to inform and entertain without being pornographic or offensive. We make this commitment at all levels of sexuality: the personal, the political, and the perverted.”

That is straight from the www.CarnalNation.com website and I am so excited to have Theresa Ikard and Shaye Saldana from CarnalNation.com on Better Sex Radio this week.

Tune in at 11:00 a.m. on Oct. 28th at to learn more about Carnal Nation….. and they have a cool Exotic Erotic Expo Montage on their site if you want to get a feel for some of the craziness that was the XXX 30th Annual Exotic Erotic Ball.  Here is the link for their Exotic Erotic Montage Video.


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