Smokin hot monogamy? Awesome married sex? Is it possible?

by Chrystal Bougon on October 22, 2010


15-20% of American couples are in what we call “sexless marriages.” What that means is that the couple has sex 2-5 times per year. Why is this the case? The reasons vary, but for the most part it has to do with dealing with the struggles and monotony of daily life. Join Cory Honickman, founder of  The Marriage Prep Adventure will join us on Better Sex Radio on Oct. 27th at 11 a.m. Pacific time. Tune in as we stream live and learn how to keep your monogamous relationship extra hot.

The question is not will the intimacy in our relationship be challenged, it’s what will we do about it when it does. Now, does this mean that you will definitely find yourself in a sexless marriage? Not necessarily, however, the time to prepare for that possibility is NOT when it happens; it’s when you take a look at your life and think to yourself, “damn, I have the best relationship!”

Think about it this way, if you went skydiving, would you learn how to release the parachute while you were in the air? The point is if you love your honey and want your relationship to stand the test of time, prepare yourselves with the tools you need to be the best you can.

On the other hand, if you didn’t prepare and things are already headed downhill, it’s still not too late. There are several things you can do to reverse the outcome.

1. Admit that you are headed in a direction that’s not OK with you.

2. Express your concerns to your partner (with a mediator if necessary)

3. Allow your partner to express their response to you.

4. Agree that you are going to make changes.

5. Get busy making those changes. (to find out some of these changes, you’ll have to listen to Chrystal’s show on October 27th… see you there!)

Cory Honickman is Los Angeles’s only Custom Commitment Creator and the creative visionary behind Reinventing Marriage, Relationships for the modern world . Cory has coached and consulted to countless singles and couples that now declare that they’ll never have an unsupervised marriage again!

Through interactive multi media programs and systems, private intensives and platinum membership communities, couples can customize their marriage in a way that brings out the best in both of them and empowers them to make smart decisions.

When couples want their personalized happily ever after, they call Cory Honickman whose mission is to decrease the staggering divorce rates that exist worldwide.

For more information, go to or call 323-378-5675 to set up a complimentary consultation to get your sex life back on track!

You can also find Cory on Facebook or Join Bliss On Facebook here.

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{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

Cory Honickman October 27, 2010 at 6:44 am

I am SO excited for this show!! Talk to you in the AM Chrystal!!

Don’t forget to pick up my *Complimentary Special Report* “The 69 Things You Need To Do Before You Get Married” at

Meelee413 October 27, 2010 at 7:04 pm

Love Cory-listen to her all the time. She has great ideas and really knows her subject. Everyone should take time to listen and learn!!!!!

Xhevair October 27, 2010 at 7:30 pm

Cory really knows what she’s talking about! She is my favorite sex and love expert!

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