50 Shades of Grey on 7Live here in the Bay Area

by Chrystal Bougon on April 10, 2012

Wow, the “50 Shades of Grey” hype is still going strong. I wrote a blog in March about how reading the book pretty much changed the life of one of my long time friends here.  All kinds of talk of submission, domination and kinky sex! Who knew the women of the Bay Area would like it all so kinky? (I sorta new there were lots of kinky soccer moms out there because I have personally facilitated over 1,500 Pleasure Parties all over the Bay Area over the past 9 years!)

We are going to write a blog with all of the kinky toys you might find in a bedroom who has been inspired by this Mommy Porn trilogy! We will feature the whips, the fetish tape, the handcuffs, the beginners’ bondage restraints and more. But, for now, I wanted to share a video from 7Live where they mention a COMMENT I made on their Facebook page about this kinky book really lighting things up here in the Bay Area!

It features Brian Copeland and Lizzie Bermudes talking about “50 Shades of Grey” and a quote from this sex toy expert! (That’s me – Chrystal Bougon. Well, they only said Chrytal B “sex toy expert” but I knew who they were talking about.)

If you are struggling in your sex life and need a little bit of BOOST or some jumper cables to resurrect your sex life, try ordering this book for your Amazon Kindle and see if it sparks your imagination. You do not need to be into kinky sex to enjoy td his spicy trilogy. But, it could open your mind a bit and make you feel tingly all over! And, that is my mission…. for you to all feel tingly all over all the time!

We would love to know your opinion of “50 Shades of Grey.” Some people are saying the actual writing is not that great, but the sex is hot! Someone just bought the movie right for $5M, too! So that should be an interesting book club trip to the movies!

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