Sqweel. Squeal. Skwheel. We all squeal for the sqweel!

by Chrystal Bougon on March 19, 2010



I have been in the Sex Toy Industry for a little over 7 years and I have never heard this much buzz about a new toy !

Have you seen this new SQWEEL?  Oh the spelling is atrocious and horrendous for SEARCHABILITY but you MUST see this new toy.  Spell it any way you want – it’s a simple concept. 10 little tongues on a wheel powered by 3 AAA batteries.  Buy the Sqweel from BlissConnection.com and use the coupon code TONGUE for $10 off.

As my friend Cindy said “I may never leave the house again!”

We have ordered one for ourselves and cannot wait to give it a SPIN!

Have you tried one? Let us know what you thought – GOOD, BAD or UGLY. We all want to know.

And, stay tuned for our review hopefully early next week!

Want to continue the conversation? Join us on our Facebook Fan Page at http://www.Facebook.com/BlissConnection

If you want your own Sqweel, use the TONGUE coupon code for $10 off this innovative and amazing new sex toy that was invented by a CUSTOMER. Love Honey had a contest and one of their customers created this design. They had it made and VIOLA! 10 TONGUES on a wheel.   http://www.BlissConnection.com


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