Butterfly Kiss G-spot Vibrator Review

by Buxom Bunny on September 2, 2013

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Happy Monday Blissful Babes, Buxom Bunny here to help brighten up your Monday with a Butterfly Kiss G-spot vibrator review!

So first things first, what is a G-spot vibrator? The concept behind the G-spot vibrator trend is fairly self explanatory, unless you’re like I was—standing at the wall, completely overwhelmed! But to give you the rundown, they are specifically designed to provide direct stimulation to the G-spot, which, if you weren’t aware of it already, is a highly sensitive bundle of nerves located in the front wall of your vagina.  (If you’re not sure exactly where yours or your partner’s is, Rain DeGrey’s explanation in one of her classes at the San Francisco Armory, that one of the easier ways to find it is “with your partner laying on her back, and insert your finger(s) about an inch and crook your finger into a ‘come-hither’ motion”, your G-spot should be located right around there, if it’s not just shift your finger a centimeter or two, and trust me, when it’s stimulated, you’ll feel it—most partners can feel the change in you internally, and you’ll know it because you’ll be writhing with pleasure) So the idea behind the G-spot  vibrators are to provide extra internal stimulation with vibrations, however much movement you enjoy, pressure , and penetration all rolled up into one handy dandy toy. Yet another pro to this style of toy is that instead of having to change around, for example, your Rabbit’s, penetration angle to find your G-spot and hold it at that exact little spot the whole time, you can literally just insert the vibrator and it find your G-spot for you, sliding right into place so you can just relax into a comfortable position and let the toy do all the work.

Personally, I really enjoy G-spot stimulation, so I think the concept of G-spot vibrators is fabulous, and while I have in fact found one that I do like, unfortunately the Butterfly Kiss just didn’t do a whole lot for me and, unfortunately, I do mean that literally. When looking at the package the toy looks like it would/could be functional, i.e. pleasurable: it comes in both pink and blue, the clitoral stimulator is shaped like a cute little butterfly, there is a little bulb at the tip of the short small penetrating shaft, and has a bullet in the base of the toy, with a single water resistant button at the bottom of the electrical housing, and is quite inexpensive so it’s a great beginning G-spot toy to see if you’ll enjoy it. So in theory, it’s great, but unfortunately, it’s just not for me.

free-silver-bullet Butterfly Kiss for the blended climax

My biggest problem with it is how small the shaft is, both in length and width. I prefer a wider shaft, what can I say, I just love me some dick! (Although it is important to note that most of these vibrators are quite short since the G-spot is located fairly low in the vagina, so it is required to be a different size than a more anatomically accurate vibrator, so keep that in mind when shopping.) My G-spot is located fairly high up my vagina, which is one reason I didn’t get much pleasure out of this particular toy because it just doesn’t reach. My next problem with it is the location of the bullet; there is only one bullet in the toy, despite there being two theoretical points of stimulation—the clit and the G-spot, so most of the vibrations get routed to the butterfly, rather than traveling up the shaft to provide G-spot stimulation, which is disappointing, but in addition to that, the bullet is placed at the center of the toy, even though the front edge of the butterfly extends past the bullet enough that, again, the vibrations get lost in the rest of the plastic, rather than being directed straight to those two points of arousal. I also found the toy to be very malleable; because it was so bendy I couldn’t get the shaft to press against my G-spot because it would just keep bending back away from it. I found the same issue with the clitoral butterfly, the material was so soft and pliant that I couldn’t get and real pressure onto my clit, and the problem also extends to the “antennae” because they aren’t still enough to hold back the clitoral hood.

I also dislike this particular type of silicone because you can never get it free of fuzzies, not only does it collect tiny fuzzies from towels used to dry it off after washing it, but it also attracts animal fuzzies too, and with two dogs and two cats, that’s a big turn off for me because there’s just no way I would ever willingly put something with fuzzies inside of me—yeek! And my last problem with this particular model is the location and design of the power button, it’s a single button on the base that you have to press to turn on, change through the three vibration settings, and to turn it off again. I find it inconvenient because it’s in kind of an awkward place and I found I had to kind of half sit up, or keep one shoulder down to keep my finger near the button. I know I’m just being picky now, but I also don’t like these types of power buttons because I hate cycling through the stronger vibration settings post-orgasm when I’m the most sensitive.

I know there’s a lot of negative stuff in this review, and I’m really sorry for that, but the truth is that just because I don’t like it and it didn’t suit my preferences doesn’t mean that you won’t. In fact, I have it on good authority from the effervescent Chrystal Bougin, owner of Bliss Radio, Curvy Girl Lingerie, and BlissConnection.com that this particular model is in fact a favorite with her other bloggers. So please please don’t let this one review turn you off from this entire style of vibrator, because there are others that may work better for you, or that you may like less. Instead, try to look at this review in pieces, and think about what you enjoy—a firmer touch (less pliant material), the different types of materials available, button placement, etc.

Give this product a shot and give us a shout to let us know how you feel about it, I know I’d love to know where you all stand on this particular product and whether it’s on your fav-orite or hate-it list!

Stay sexy ladies!

Buxom Bunny

 You can find more toy reviews, x-rated sexcapades, and blog posts at my site www.BuxomBunny.com

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