Sex toys: Who is going to hide yours when you die?

by Chrystal Bougon on July 5, 2012

sex toys, sex toys for women

I saw this picture on Facebook and it reminded me of an agreement my girlfriend and I have had for years and years. Which ever one of us lives the longest gets the job of cleaning out all of our sex toys. (And other stuff!) Any kind of stash we have laying around – we are going to clear it out before our family has to. Sadly, for my friend, it’s going to require a U-Haul for all of the sex toys and accessories I have in my home!

Who is going to clean out your naughty stash? Everyone needs one friend who can do that to spare our families the “ewwwww” factor!

Please share here on our blog who you have worked out an agreement with. And, if you do not have an agreement with anyone yet, find a friend and pinky swear that you promise to help each other out!

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{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Sex Shop Online July 17, 2012 at 12:50 am

Yes dear you are right you have put good information here. So thanks for the great information…….

Sex Shop Online July 17, 2012 at 12:51 am

Yes dear you are right you have put good information here. So thanks for the great information…….

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