Maybe you’re like me and you have had a bad experience with personal lubricants in the past. I use to think I really just HATED lube. I thought I hated it for years and years and avoided it at all costs. The lubes I had tried on occasion left me feeling itchy, uncomfortable and like I had to jump out of bed and into the shower to wash it all off.
What I did not understand at the time was that those lubes were filled with things like parabens, flavoring, sugar derivatives, scent and preservatives. Most lube manufacturers assume we may want a lite flavoring to our lubricants because they know when we’re having great sex, sometimes lube gets in our mouths.
Fortunately for all of us, there are now lubricant companies who pay attention to what they put in their lubricants. These companies know that glycerin and other sugar derivatives can cause a yeast infection in women or just make us feel itchy and uncomfortable. (Some studies have show that lubricants can stay inside of the vagina for up to four days. Imagine the bad news when those lubes include traces of lube. BAD BAD BAD.)
I was in the sex toy industry about three years when I finally discovered a couple of brands of lubricant that I LOVE. And, now I am coaching women and couples to think about adding a lube into your sex life just as if you would add any other luxury product into your love life.
It wasn’t until I personally discovered a Preservative Free, Fragrance Fee and Flavor Free lube did I finally give lube another chance. You know, for women, all kinds of things can make it difficult for us to lubricate. When we have too much caffiene, when we take allergy medication and even when we are not getting enough rest – it affects our ability to get wet enough for penetration.
A woman I met at one of my pleasure parties told me about the Pjur Eros Silicone Bodyglide. Once I tried a teeny tiny little drop of this Silicone Lube, I know I found something totally unique and special. I bought some right away from my distributor, tried it and was completely impressed by it.
Discovering this Pjur Eros lube led me on an interesting adventure into the wonderful world of sex lubricants. It got me interested in GREAT lubes!
Eros Silicone Bodyglide is my all time favorite, but there are additional companies that make female friendly lubes. A company called Sliquid that makes an organic and even vegan lube! There is another company called Good Clean Love, too. Both companies are mindful of the delicate PH balance of the vagina. And, there is even a lube made with Aloe Vera from a company called Aloe Cadabra. All really great, high quality lubricants that are mindful of their ingredients and how body safe they are.
The good news is that we now have options. And, if you are like me and you pretty much gave up on lubes many many years ago, be open and try some of these new(newer) lubes that are BODY FRIENDLY and CONDOM FRIENDLY and you may be pleasantly surprised by some of these luxury lubes that are designed to make you sex life be plush and luxurious – just like great sex should be.
A friend of mine, Midori, has written a fantastic Lube Buyers Guide and it can really help you to decide if you should buy a water, oil or silicone based lubricant. She also has this awesome list of things to consider when buying a lube, including things like bouquet, texture, endurance and more.
Tell us about your favorite lube. Which do you love and why?
If you want to try a bottle of the Eros, order it online on our very tasteful online sex toy store BlissConnection.com and use the coupod code KISS for a free Butterfly Kiss with your $50 purcahse.
You can join in the dialogue on our Bliss Facebook Page, too!
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I used to buy KY just because it had been branded the most and was “recognizable.” As soon as I heard Chrystal swear by Eros, I decided to give it a try and have been converted! It’s so silky (NOT sticky like KY) and long-lasting. We love it and will recommend ONLY Eros!