I was talking with a friend today about how fun it would be to have sex on a balcony in a hotel late at night and it got me to thinking…. what is my Sex “Bucket List.” Do you have a naughty bucket list? Do you have a sex toy bucket or wish list? (You can browse our romance toys here to do some day dreaming now.)
At our home pleasure parties we hear all kinds of very inspired and creative places where people have get busy. We have heard at the morgue inside the drawers where they put the dead bodies (creepy, I know). We have heard in the car while the male partner was driving and the girl slipped between the steering wheel and him WHILE driving down I5 on the way to L.A. We hear lots of “Same Room” sex stories from when people were in college or at crazy parties. We have heard twice on the roof of a local Bay Area Mexican restaurant and in the elevator at Scott’s Seafood in downtown San Jose comes up often.
We have heard in the Eifel Tower, in the office of their boss happens a lot…. more then you might imagine here in Silicon Valley. We ear lots of “in the bathroom” at a party while the party is going on. We have heard Half Dome and Alum Rock lots and lots. So much DNA at both places.
What about you? Where have you always wanted to “do it”? They can be a fantasy of something you have always wanted to try or even tell us about some of the craziest places you have done IT…. and please don’t say “that would have to be in the butt Bob.” Comment here to share you own sex bucket list or even your SEX TOY WISH LIST.
Sex Toys for Women and Couples
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Fun blog from our sex toy blogger Lexi
What’s the most unusual place you have ever had sex?
What’s on your sex bucket list?
There is now such a thing! http://www.thesexbucketlist.com! You can also like it on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1249964862#!/Sexbucketlist
Michael Lucente
The Sex Bucket List – Adult Activity Book
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