Sex Toys : 5 Toys for Newbies

by Chrystal Bougon on July 11, 2011

sex toy for beginners

So you have never had a sex toy before and don’t know where to start. You’ve come to the right place! I always recommend you start small, inexpensive and with a sex toy that is not intimidating for you or your partner.

Most women I have met (and we are talking 10’s of thousands over the years of facilitating Bliss Pleasure Parties) seem to become familiar with the concept that vibration feels good on the clitoris by either “accidentally” testing out their parent’s “Back Massager” on vulva. Or, when they are very young, they learn how good the stream of water from the bath tub faucet or the shower head massager feels on their clitoris. For many women I have met, these two methods were their introduction to a sex toy.

1.  The Hitachi Magic Wand is the perfect “back massager” and is super discreet. It looks like a back massager – not a sex toy. Perfect for people with kids or roommates. It also does work WONDERFUL as a back massager and just plugs into the wall, so it’s easy to use and no muss, no fuss.  (Also it’s a toy from and we just LOVE this manufacturer.)

2.  The Silver Bullet is also very discreet and inexpensive. We know there are better toys and fancier toys, but this toy is so simple and perfect. We even give them away for .01 penny on our website and we have a mission to get a SILVER BULLET into the hands of all women over the age of 18 in the U.S.   We even have an article called “13 Ways to Use the Silver Bullet” and we invite you to find 14 ways!

3.  The Slender Sensations is a great toy for traveling and a great toy for people who get embarassed very easily. It looks like a pen. It’s very strong because it takes two aaa batteries. It’s hard plastic so it’s easy to clean and it fits great into your make up bag or suitcase so the baggage handlers have NO IDEA you are traveling with your favorite sex toy.

4.  The Papillon or Butterfly Vibe has two cool purposes. This toy lets  you “come for a cause” since a portion of the proceeds helps to find a cure for breast cancer. And, it’s a cool toy for beginners. It’s ergonomic, fits nicely in the palm of your hand and slips right over your pubic bone for some lovely clitoral stimulation. Plus it’s a VERY quiet toy – so is the Slender Sensations for that matter. Very quiet, small and discreet. Great first timers toy!

5. The Vibrating Sponge by SportsSheets is also a really nice toy for newbies and women new to sex toys. We know that some women will NEVER EVER tell their partner they have a sex toy. Some how they keep it hidden in some magical place where their kids and husbands never looked. I am always in awe of these women who are so good at hiding such things. And, we also know that sometime, the only place “Mom” gets any privacy is in the shower. This sponge has a small ONE TOUCH vibrator in it and it’s fully submersible. You can even use it with your favorite body wash.

What is your favorite sex toy for newbies? Would love to hear your FIRST sex toy.

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