We have a fantastic and lively show this Wednesday on Better Sex Radio. I will be joined by two amazing and knowlegeable women this week. We are having a threesome on Better Sex Radio and talking about the Gourmet B.J., Dating, Oral Sex Coaching, Sex Coaching, & the fine art of Flirting. Tune in at 11 a.m. as I am joined by “Oh Megan’s” own Megan Andelloux and “Catherine Coaches” founder Catherine Toyooka.
Catherine is a local dating coach and sex coach who improves the lives of busy professionals living in Silicon Valley, San Francisco, and beyond. She just celebrated her 1 year in business and she has so much to be proud of – she’s accomplished a lot in the last 12 + months. She has some upcoming Meet Ups in Mountain View on August 18th and Sept. 14, so check out her link and RSVP. She will share with you how to be a SUPER HOT flirt and how to have a RED HOT date. You can see Catherine’s smiling face on her website www.CatherineCoaches.com and more importantly, you can WORK with her locally, too.
Megan is from Rhode Island but she has a Fabulous Fellatio Seminar in Santa Cruz on July 22nd and you can register to attend her seminar on the Pure Pleasure Website. She also founded The Center for Sexual Pleasure and Health, teaches all over the country on sexual politics and pleasure, and trains medical providers how to perform safe, happy pelvic exams. Megan is a mover and a shaker in the S.E.X. world!
Should be a very entertaining and zesty show. Tune in here to hear us live or you can also link to http://www.blogtalkradio.com/blissradio
Want to continue the conversation? You can find all of us on Facebook. Our Bliss Business Page is at http://www.Facebook.com/BlissConnection and we would love for you to LIKE US.
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Can’t wait to talk to you both tomorrow!
Don’t forget to check out Megan’s awesome new non-profit website that is filled with wonderful information. The Center for Sexual Pleasure and Health (www.thecsph.org)!
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