Cougars and Pumas and Manthers, OH MY

by Chrystal Bougon on January 12, 2010

This article is VERY interesting about how women in their 30’s are not trying to get in on the “cougar” action and even though they are not officially COUGARS yet, they want to start dating younger men like their older “cougar” sisters. In case you are cofused by all of the LABELS and the language, here is how I understand the terms:

Cub – Younger Man interesting in dating or sleeping with a woman 10 or more years older then him (usually in their late teens, 20’s and 30’s)

Puma – A woman in her 30’s (They use to be called C.I.T’s… Cougars In Training)

Cougar – A woman in her 40’s interested in dating or sleeping with men 10+ years younger then her

Manther – A woman in her 50’s interested in dating or sleeping with men 10 years or more her junior

Snow Cat – A woman in her 60’s interested in dating or boinking ( lol)  men 10 years or more her junior

Jaguars – A woman in her 70’s interested in dating or hooking up with younger men

I have no idea what they call women in their 80’s or 90’s interested in dating younger men, but I say GO FOR IT your purple and red hat LADIES! You are only old as you feel!    

Cougar Crossing

Cougar Crossing

Here is the super interesting article from By Elise Nersesian, “Women’s Health”.  She has a lot to say about WHY younger men are attracted to older women: Health”:

What’s your opinion on this subject? We would love to hear from you.

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