Ditching Mr. Wrong “Litmus test” from Nicholas Aretakis

by Chrystal Bougon on July 13, 2009

This is from Nichola Aretakis’ book, it’s called The Dating Litmus Test and I am going to put just a few of the questions here to get you thinking…..the entire Dating Litmus test is in the book and you can buy the book on Amazon here:


Ask yourself these questions and give the a YES or a NO and then you score it at the end of the 25 question test:

1. Do you look forward to seeing him when you’ve been apart?

2. Do you find your partner interesting and entertaining?

5. Do you have an enjoyable sex life, one that is satisfying physically and emotionally? Does it make you

feel good to please him?

6. Are you physically, intellectually, and emotionally attracted to him?

7. Does he make you feel good about yourself? Have your confidence or self esteem improved during your relationship?

16. Does he give comparably or more then he takes from the relationship?

23. Deos he make your life easier, rather then creating more work or complicating matters for you?

These are just a sampling. His list is super comprehensive and wow, eye opening.

Looking forward to talking with Nicholas this week on Better Sex Radio at 11 a.m. Pacific on http://www.WsRadio.com/BetterSexRadio


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