As most of my Bliss friends know, I feel very strongly that kissing has to be a big part of your relationship to keep your sex life alive and well. I have personally facilitated over 1,000 Pleasure Parties and hear from women constantly that their husband or boyfriend does not kiss them anymore. It keeps her turned on and tuned in, gents. It’s one of the most important foreplay acts for women to allow them to get turned on. Check this out from one of my future guests’ book and he put this on my “5 Things Women Really Want From Sex” blog.
I love this. It floored me when I read it. Would love to hear your thoughts:
“Speaking of kissing, here is an unusual awareness exercise from How to Worship the Goddess and Keep Your Balls: A Man’s Guide to Sacred Sex
Infinite Kiss (Wei Wu Wei Kissing)
In Infinite Kissing we allow our mouths to become sensual organs that explore our partner’s lips and even parts of her face. We do not explore her lips for our pleasure, or for her pleasure, but just to explore. We are not chasing arousal, although arousal may happen.
As we allow our kiss to become infinite, we become lost in the swirling moist embrace of our lovers mouth. Once we have learned to immerse ourselves in our lover’s lips without agenda we may become addicted. We may find ourselves missing whole days of work due to this exercise.”
He will be on August 5th and we will continue this conversation.

Worship the Goddess