Erotic Books: We at Bliss LOVE LOVE LOVE this book so much. If you do not know Sadie Allison, you should! She has some of the most comprehensive, easy to understand sex manuals in the industry. We like to say that Sadie writes “real books for real people” and her books include “real things that real couples would REALLY do.”

I own a Pleasure Party business in the Bay Area called and I also own an online Romance Store called and I end up talking about this book at length about 3 times a week and so do my romance consultants. WE LOVE THIS BOOK!
At first glance, it seems that this book is focused on giving Oral Sex to a man…. but this book is so much more comprehensive and there is so much more to it. She does give some great oral sex and hand job tips, though! (Here at Bliss, we always say that giving someone oral sex may be the highest compliment you can pay them.) I mean TRULY…it does not get much more intimate then that, does it? It takes alot of attraction and trust to want to give this type of pleasure to your partner.
Dr. Allison covers so many topics in this easy to read book. Manscaping, Hand Jobs, Oral Sex, page 30 talks all about how to make his ejaculate taste better! (She includes a recipe for a sexy smoothy in her book.)
She does cover something we feel strongly about, to. ENTHUSIASM: EVERYONE loves enthusiasm when it comes to technique. No matter how bad the oral you are receiving is, if the person giving it to you is enthusiastic and wants to give it their all, it’s hard to be critical of it, isn’t it? Just like everyone loves confidence….everyone also loves enthusiasm.
Like any kind of sexual experience, the more communication you have between the giver and the receiver, the better it will be for both parties. Be sure to let the person know that you are enjoying your self. Don’t fake any ridiculous noises…just a nice moan or two when something feels JUST right is a great way to keep the GIVER involved and trying very hard to give you good oral.
Sadie also suggests that before you attempt to give oral to your male partner, they should do some “manscaping”..and in fact, the entire chapter 5 talks about “manscaping” the “man area” so that everything is nice and clean and trimmed. NOBODY enjoys alot of pubic hair in their mouth. (Ok, save a few men who are really really into hair.) I like to tell the girls at our home parties that NO ONE EVER LOOKED SEXY SCRAPING A PUBIC HAIR off f their tongue! Right?
Many women are worried about the ejaculate and Sadie does give some tips on page 30 for how to make his ejaculate taste better….but no one ever said you have to swallow to give great oral. There are lots of ways around swallowing if you are really not up for that. He will be just as happy with a “non swallowing” b.j. and he will be with the kind where you do. So do not feel that this is a requirement of giving great oral. It’s not! He will be just as happy to use your lovely breasts to finish or even just use his hand to finish himself for you while you watch.
Did you know there are 15 Ways to Give a Hand Job? Who knew, right? I always joke that I knew about 6 or 7 of her techniques, but 15! WOW. Sadie really did her homework with this book. And, the cute diagrams really explain each technique and how to do it. Her books rock.
As you can tell, I am a big fan of Tickle His Pickle and my customers love it, too. It’s a fun book that real couples can actually use and it’s not filled with lots of ridiculous positions or anal sex techniques. Just real things real couples will do. Some of our customers have told us that they keep it next to the bed, open it up and then find something new they have never done and then give that new technique a try. FUN stuff!
We have lots of Erotic Books on our website.
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