Tori, our lucky fan
Facebook Fan Page Contest: We hit 800 Fans and we offered our fans a FREE Rabbit Pearl or a FREE Stripper Pole and our lucky fan chose the Free Stripper Pole! Tori is our big winner and she was chosen randomly from our first 800 fans. (Join our Fan Page as we will be giving away something special when we hit 1,000 Fans! http://www.Facebook.com/BlissConnection )
I had the pleasure of emailing Tori this moring to tell her she is our lucky winner. She emailed me back right away to say she would LOVE the Stripper Pole. Here is her exact quote: “Hi Chrystal!! I am so excited!!! This was such an awesome email to wake up to this morning!! WELL I already have the Rabbit Vibrator so I’m going to have to go with the stripper pole! It’s going to give me more incentive to get my butt in shape so I can take those pole lessons! So you said you’d like to know some stuff about me.. I’d be happy to share! (AND I’d love to book a party with you soon as well!) Looking forward to hearing from you!”
I am just tickled she is so excited! And, Tori, I do have a business partner that will come to your home once you install the pole and she will teach you and some of your girlfriends how to really give that stripper / fitness pole a work out! Her business is called http://www.JewelSexpression.com when you are ready to book her.
And Tori, please let us know when you are ready to book your Bliss Pleasure Party! We set up a full store in your home when do a Bliss Pleasure Party and you and your friends get to take home your purchases home THAT NIGHT. No waiting at our Bliss Pleasure Parties!
Enjoy the pole! Take some pics for us once you install it. G rated please.
Blissfully, Chrystal http://www.BlissConnection.com