Do you prefer fast food sex or a tantric feast?

by Chrystal Bougon on October 11, 2010


What is Tantra and can you practice it even if you don’t have a partner?

Oooh yah, we’re going to talk about Passion, Pleasure & Gourmet Sex on Better Sex Radio this week. I am very excited to have author, Lisa Schrader on the show this week. Be sure to tune in to Better Sex Radio this Wedensday the Oct. 13th at 11 a.m. pacific. Tune in here to listen to us live:

Lisa Schrader is a sacred sexuality teacher and coach and the founder of Awakening Shakti. Her work has been featured on Oprah, Oxygen and VH1. She is the author of “Kama Sutra 52: A Year’s Worth of the Best Positions for Passion and Pleasure” from Quiver Books. She’s a certified coach with the International Coach Federation and has been in private practice for over 10 years supporting women and couples with awakening their sacred sexual power. Visit her at

Awaken Your Sacred Sexual Spark and to learn some fab new techniques, you can purchase Lisa’s book here: Kama Sutra 52: A Year’s Worth of the Best Positions for Passion and Pleasure

Lisa-Shrader“Our sexuality is the most potent form of energy we have access to. As professional women, succeeding in our “hyper-masculinized” culture often leaves the “goddess within” feeling depleted, exhausted and heavy hearted. When we awaken sensuality, pleasure and passion, we tap into a wellspring of feminine power and life becomes much, much easier. As mothers, lovers and leaders, we exude a kind of radiance that transforms the atmosphere around us and brings healing to the planet as a whole.”

If you have any questions for Lisa that you would like us to address on Better Sex Radio, be sure to comment here and I will be sure to ask Lisa when we are live on the air Wednesday.

You can also tune into the podcast of this show Oct. 14th on iTunes. Just search on Better Sex Radio or Bliss Radio on iTunes.

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Lisa Schrader October 12, 2010 at 11:03 pm

Thank you Chrystal for all you are doing to create more sex-positivity on the planet. I look forward to our show together tomorrow which will surely be lively and juicy!

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