Grandpa Does Grandma, Romance Summit and Burning Man rules

by Chrystal Bougon on July 22, 2009

Better Sex Radio airs every Wednesday morning at 11 a.m. Pacific at

Better Sex Radio

Better Sex Radio

Well, this week’s show is going to be jam packed with guests and information.  Tune in at 11 a.m. Pacific at to hear the Bureau of Erotic Discourse, Grandma Does Grandpa and April Cline, founder of the Romance Summit!

Guest 1: Author, Phil Parker,  of will talk with us about the ABC’s of Sex After Sixty. Great book! I love the illustrations and the fabulous tips, too.

Guest 2: Dr. Placebo,   and we will talk to Dr. Placebo about their Buring Man Rules that are designed to protect women and men from sexual assault while at Burning Man.  and their rules/guidelines are here:

Guest 3: April Cline, Founder of the Romance Summit:  Any committed relationship takes effort.  It can be especially challenging when you don’t have the information you need to succeed.  With me, you will learn to create, and live, the romantic life of your dreams, by empowering yourself with the tools and education to make it happen! And, I am a featured speaker at the Romance Summit. WOO HOO!


{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }

April Cline, The Romance Coach July 22, 2009 at 9:19 am

Chrystal I’m thrilled to have you as a speaker at the Romance Summit July 28 & 29th, 2009 from noon to 9 pm eastern time. We have 26 Speakers!! Love, dating, marriage, divorce, sex, flirting, law of attraction, healing broken hearts, attracting the right person, and MORE! There’s a FREE preview call Thursday July 23rd 2009 at 8pm eastern time. Register at – or go straight to buying a ticket at and receive $100 off the price till the 27th of July! Remember to Love what you do, with someone you love! April

Phil Parker, aka, Grandpa July 22, 2009 at 9:23 am

Young or old sex should never be put on the back burner. Grandpa Does Grandma~The ABCs of Senior Sex will bring a smile to your face as it offers tantalizing tips to partners of all ages.

Chrystal Bougon July 22, 2009 at 9:24 am

Thanks April. I am thrilled to be a part of this really fabulous idea.

Bliss peeps, check out this early bird registration for the Romance Summit here:

Chrystal Bougon July 22, 2009 at 9:25 am

Thanks Phil. I love your book – check out his website at

Dawn Thomas July 22, 2009 at 10:29 am

Where is the Romance Summit being held? I couldn’t find it anywhere on the link. Please let us know. Thanks!

Dawn Thomas’s last blog post..How’s The Market in Los Altos?

Chrystal Bougon July 22, 2009 at 11:53 am and click on Romance Summit link.

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