How to Please a Woman In and Out of Bed by Daylle Schwartz

by Chrystal Bougon on September 1, 2009

Ok, we have one for the GUYS this week. Tune in to Better Sex Radio this Wednesday at 11 a.m. on http:/ at 11 a.m. PDT. Daylle Schwarz is our guest. Daylle is a pro and has been on the Howard Stern show, Good Morning America and over 300+ radio / tv shows.

I am excited to welcome Daylle Schwartz to the show this week.  Daylle has several books like “How to Please a Woman In and Out of Bed” , “All Men are Jerks Until Proven Otherwise” and “Nice Girls Can Finish First.”   Daylle and I both have some strong feelings about NOT being a doormat and that all women (and men) need to ASK for what they need. We should NEVER be dependent on anyone for anything… especially our sexual satisfaction.

From Daylle’s website about How To Please A Woman: “Do you feel like you’re fighting a battle against women with no weapons? Women are absorbing knowledge from self-help books and classes faster than you can turn your back on them. Then they drive you crazy with demands and rules. Women arm ourselves as men retreat. Schwartz believes men and women can live together in peace and harmony, learning to thoroughly pleasure each other in bed to degrees that most of you think exist only in fantasy. Pleasing a woman out of bed often leads to deeper intimacy and much better sex!

Do you sometimes feel clueless about how to please women in bed? By opening yourself up to a revised way of understanding them, you’ll own the power to enjoy a much happier and more relaxed relationship with your lady, and more great sex! What could be bad? Whether you’re married or single, this book will provide practical tools for empowering you to have the best chance of attracting and maintaining a satisfying relationship with a woman who thinks she got the best man!


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Daylle Deanna Schwartz September 1, 2009 at 3:55 pm

You’re so right that everyone needs to ask for what they want and if they don’t know, do it yourself and figure it out!

I look forward to being on your show@

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