Uncensored, Unedited, Undone
This woman is THE woman when it comes to HONEST feedback about SEX TOYS. She does these fabulous video reviews using her own camera and uploads them to You Tube. She is adorable and super sassy and smart and knows how to review a toy like a GROWN UP. Check out her “yes, I have boobs” t-shirt in one of the reviews. (Apparantly, many really silly boys write her to say they like her boobs. Aaaah, everybody loves bewbies.)
Listen to us live tomorrow, June 10th at 11 a.m. and listen to us REVIEW our favorite toys! http://www.WSRadio.com/BetterSexRadio click on the LIVE button on the top right hand corner.
“Kara_Sutra is best known for hosting “Sex Ed 102: All the things you didn’t learn in sex ed, but should have”, a show popular on Youtube (as well as many other websites) that has gained both extensive notoriety and legions of internet fans. Her sweet and friendly demeanor dotted with sly humor, and fantastic natural cleavage has won her a large and supportive fan base.”
“Sex Ed 102 is a show that is informative, fun, and unabashedly frank. It delves into many aspects of the sexual world and sex industry that is otherwise ignored or mishandled. Sex advice and sexual product reviews dominate the show’s content, all sprinkled with Kara’s signature style. Kara Sutra herself is described as ‘adorably accessible, friendly and funny’. She has become a hit with anyone sexually curious or desiring to unleash their ‘inner freak’.”