Nipple Clamp video review for

by Chrystal Bougon on June 7, 2012


Our sex toy blogger #alphaharlot created a fab video review for the Nipple Clamp vibrators we shipped to her to test out. This review is on xtube which is a porn site, so please know that before you click over to her video review. You will see her breasts and nipples in the swimming pool and you can hear her voice talking about the toy. We also request that all of our sex toy bloggers tell the TRUTH about the products we ship them. Fake reviews do not help anyone. If our bloggers do not like a product, they have our permission to write a negative review. We want to be a trusted resource, so we like the full truth.

This link is NOT SAFE FOR WORK!  Liz playing with her nipple clamps from our sex toy store and she is in the pool in her bathing suit. Hot Liz! The “boob men” in our audience will love this review for sure.

Nipple Clamp Sex Toy Review Link Here

If you would like to see some additional sex toy reviews from one of our other sex toy bloggers, you can also check out Sapphire’s website . Both AlphaHarlot and Sapphire blog for Bliss. If you stop by and webcam with them, be sure you tell them you heard about them thanks to Bliss!

If you like our Style, please LIKE us on Facebook. and our blog readers can use the coupon code BLOG when shopping on our very tasteful online sex toy store

And, if you enjoy these nipple clamps you may also enjoy the nipple nibbler we sell online, too! It comes in a chapstick form and feels FABULOUS on your lips and our nips! And the chapstick form of the Nipple Nibbler makes it easier to apply to your lips – and plumps up your nips and lips!

Blissfully, Chrystal Bougon




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