Sexual Fantasies: Better Sex Radio interviews Dallas Lowe

by Chrystal Bougon on February 2, 2010

dallas-lowe-face-picI am excited to announce that Dallas Lowe of  will be on our Award Winning “Better Sex Radio” show this week. Tune in this Wednesday at 11 a.m. Pacific at

This is from Dallas: “Dallas Lowe, raised ultra conservative and finally breaking out of my shell. I was raised in a culture where it was inappropriate for women to show even their arms or legs, so of course talking about sex was unheard of.  (The pic below is from Dallas’ FB Fan Page… she clearly understands one of the very well known male fantasies based on this picture of  she and her friends! )

Dallas Lowe (center)

Dallas Lowe (center)

I went through years of being completely sheltered, until I met my ex who showed me the complete other spectrum. He was a major swinger, so even though he never shared me bc I was his virgin, I was exposed to about every type of sexual behavior you could imagine, and more. The thing is he taught me everything about sex, and taught me not to judge anyone for what they are into, whether or not I would ever do it. So at 24-that was my introduction to sex.

Personally I learned that neither spectrum is for me, and I prefer to be a little on the left side of normal, but nothing I hear shocks me; it just helps me understand more about the person. Thats when I realized that Fantasies are so interesting. Everyone has fantasies, and can talk about them, picture them, and use them as a tool for excitement, without ever acting on them.

Its not dirty in any way to have fantasies, its normal. Talking about your fantasies can strengthen relationships as well. Now I interview women all across the country about their fantasies as a way to show other women (women that were like me and chased their fantasies away due to fear) that its normal.

On my site I talk to women all over the country in all walks of life about their deepest secret sexual fantasies.”


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Dallas Lowe February 2, 2010 at 10:52 am

I’m So Excited to to come on your Show tomorrow!
Check out all the new fantasy interviews at:
Talk to you soon!

Dallas Lowe

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