Sex Toy that does not vibrate. Well, I can honestly say I have NEVER seen anything like this before. Well, check that. I have seen this kind of thing, but only online – not in my hot little hands. This sex toy does not vibrate. It uses an electrical signal to stimulate you… for him and her. Here is a blurb from the She-Stim website:
“She-Stim is a unique type of sexual stimulation product range due to the fact that unlike normal sex toys that vibrate or rotate, She-Stim directly stimulates your nerve endings using carefully produced electrical signals to generate a highly stimulating sensation.
When the She-Stim Electro Touch is connected to specially designed erotic electrodes the genital areas are stimulated externally or deep inside in a wide variety of ways, adding a new dimension to self pleasuring, foreplay or intercourse.”
I am a little nervous, to be honest. I mean, it only takes a 9 v battery, but when I plugged it in I could not feel anything at all on my wrist and then I touched it with my fingers and I felt that weird little jolt like if you get the butter knife stuck in the toaster while it’s on (ok, i was 13 and I had braces on so it was a little unpleasant). Or maybe you know that feeling when you plug in something really old and you get that little jolt or like a really strong static electricity feeling. So, I am not sure about this one but I will try to be brave.
Please comment here if you have tried these electro stim style toys.
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