We are FINALLY offering our first Bliss Oral Sex Seminar. For LADIES ONLY! We are sponsoring an Oral Sex Seminar & Reception at a very sassy and special location in Campbell. (To protect everyone’s privacy, we will only give out the address for the class to the women who pay to reserve their space in this class.)
If you BUY your spot today, you can take advantage of the $65 Early Bird price. To read more about the SEMINAR, you can click to our online store where we have set up the class description for you and have made it simple to pay for with one CLICK on BlissConnection.com.
This class will include wine and cheese… emphasis on the glass of wine before the seminar to relax any jitters. The class will be lead by Sex Coach, Catherine Toyooka, and you can also practice the techniques she is teaching you during the course (on your own toy) or you can just watch. We realize everyone has a different comfort level with this, so feel free to participate at any level you are comfortable with. Either way, everyone gets to take their new toy home with them!
Each student will recieve their own toy and flavored condom to practice with and to take home. (Again, you do not have to practice yourself if you do not want to.) The toy is a NON vibrating sex toy that is 6″ tall and has a suction cup/stand to allow it to stay upright. $24 value for this special toy.
Chrystal Bougon, Sex Expert & Pleasure Coach, will also be sharing some thoughts and ideas for better oral sex and will be facilitating a Sex, Dating & Flirting Q & A after the demo. (WE will even have a way for you to drop ANONYMOUS questions into a box to ask your more embarassing questions.)
And, if you donate an OLD CELL PHONE at the door, we will donate them to a local woman’s shelter. For your donation, I will give you a $10 gift certificate to use on my website http://www.BlissConnection.com . A local women’s shelter spruces them up and then gives them to women who need to FLEE their abuser. It’ a great cause and I would love it if we could help them in this way.
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Hi everyone!
I’m soooo excited to be working with Chrystal to offer this amazing oral sex workshop. I also blogged about it on my site http://catherinecoaches.typepad.com/blog/2009/10/world-class-fellatio.html
I’m also running a promotion to win a FREE 1 hour coaching session with me on the topic of your choice. Want to be a winner? All you have to do is sign up with my newsletter on my website http://www.catherinecoaches.com or send me an email to info@catherinecoaches.com with “newsletter” in the subject line. You can access my newsletter icon on every page after my home page and it is located about 1/2 way down the page on the far right.
Good luck everyone!
I’m getting super excited about this workshop!
I really want to let women know that this workshop is for everyone…no matter how comfortable you are with giving oral sex.
Plus, I promise we will have lots of fun 🙂