I wonder if some yummy luxury sex toys would have helped this couple to not stray outside of their own relationship for some fun and surprise. We all sing along to this song like it’s some happy little ditty and everyone LOVES it when this song comes on the radio, but the lyrics are sort of sad. It ends up nice, but really it’s pretty tragic.
Ok, sing a long with me….”I was tired of my lady. We’d been together too long. Like a worn out recording, of a favorite song. So while she lay there sleeping, I read the paper in bed. And in the personal columns, there was this letter I read. If you like pina coladas, getting caught in the rain. If you’re not into yoga, if you have half a brain. If you like making love at midnight. In the dunes of the cape.”
So if you have lived on the moon for the last 30 years and do not know this song, basically the couple were both bored. They both looked at the personals in the newspaper to find some excitement romantically with other people as they were both bored with each other. In the end, they ended up meeting and realized they both liked Pina Coladas and making love at midnight! Apparantly they had been together for awhile and did not SHARE these things with each other.
Suddenly, I finally really HEARD this song the other day and it got me thinking. What would have happened if they could have just TALKED to each other about being BORED IN THEIR BEDROOM . I mean, I have heard this song a million times but it hit me differently the other day. It made me think about how often this happens. I strongly feel that if you are bored in your bedroom, more then likely your partner is, too. OWN THIS problem and you do something about it. I think the sex toys, luxury lubricants, and other romance products we sell at Bliss can KEEP your bedroom interesting. Incorporating vibrators, massage oils, penis rings can be fun and funny. If you treat it like you’re both sex explorers and you are testing things together it can keep it very fresh and interesting and maybe keep you or your parnter from browsing the personals. (Though now people browse Craigslist, AdultFriendFinder and other websites for the kind of naughty fun Rupert Holmes is looking for in the Pina Colada song.)
If we can help you bring back the element of surprise and excitement back to your bedroom, we also do very funny, sassy pleasure parties in the Bay Area where we bring our traveling romance store to your home. We want to keep your sex life fresh, fun and exciting. We have everything from mild to wild and we promise if you have the right attitude and keep it playful, neither of you will be searching the personal columns.
Would love to hear your comments and memories about the Pina Colada Song! Didn’t this song come out right about the time that the “Afternoon Delight” song came out? 🙂
{ 12 comments… read them below or add one }
So true Chrystal. And I love that song BTW. If people were more open to communicating about their boredom (or anything really) there’d be a lot less couples in trouble. It takes work to stay in love after 20 years but it can happen. I am living proof. 🙂
I have to admit that I have hated this song more than I have liked it… probably because it gets stuck in your head for like half a day! But your point is a really good one, even with the “happy” ending, this has always been a bit of a cautionary tale. Real love (and great sex) are always improved with open communication… though a toy or two never hurt! 🙂
Great commentary, Chrystal! I always found this song a sad commentary on a sad relationship, but it was so darn catchy! I think most people didn’t really listen – just as so many either don’t share, or don’t listen.
Thanks and congrats to you on 20 years of wedded bliss
Yah, it’s very easy to get complacent and not share. Yes, very very catchy.
Have always found this song very catchy but was well aware of the storyline from day one. Communication is the basis of a good relationship. Talk with your partner & express your needs, desires, wishes & even fantasies. 21 years with my husband & going strong.
Ha! I guess I never listened close enough to the lyrics, it all makes sense now! I think communication is key in the bedroom and the best part about sex toys and lubricants is that if you don’t like them or couldn’t get them to work for you, at least it got you and your hubby to connect and have something to laugh about.
You know, I’ve NEVER listened to the lyrics of this song – in fact, I’m not sure I’ve ever heard it played all the way through. Weird. I always thought it was another “ode to drinking” song like Margaritaville – LOL! Well, I’ve been enlightened (heavens opening, angels singing and all that sort of thing) and I have you to thank, Chrystal 🙂 That’s what’s so cool about you – you know how to make the everyday world INTERESTING, which is very important for easily bored brains like mine!
Thanks so much, Lisa. That is very kind of you. I think my brain is like yours. 🙂 See you Tuesday.
Exactly, Amanda. It creates a dialogue. But what’s not to love? LOL
That’s right. You just had an annivesary didn’t you. That is so very cool. I hope you have another 50 years of wedded Bliss, Leslie.
I am with Lisa on this one. I had no idea what the song was about, even though I do a pretty good job of singing along with it. Thanks for enlightening me! That’s so funny. It’s a song we’ve known forever. And I couldn’t agree with you more. Sex toys help keep things lively and fun.