3 Easy Tips from Bliss: Have more sex with your wife or girlfriend

by Chrystal Bougon on November 19, 2012

3-tips-to-have-more-sex-with-your-wifeI am going to be interviewed on the Mancow show on Tuesday the 20th and they want me to comment on the real reason real women fake an orgasm. That got me to thinking… if men would just make sure that their wives, girlfriends, or lovers have an orgasm every time –  they would likely want to have MORE SEX.

Here are 3 tips for more sex we often share on our blog and at our home pleasure parties when asked by men what can they do to get their wives or girlfriends to have more sex. (We also often get asked how they can get their wives or girlfriens to relax in bed like they do when they go on vacation together. It turns out EVERYONE loves hotel sex. But, these tips apply to the “hotel sex wife” request, too.)

Tip #1 to improve the odds that your wife or girlfriend might want to have sex tonight:  Flattery! Compliment her. Remember to tell her when you notice she looks sexy and pretty. Remind her when you think she smells good or looks extra cute. I know from personal experience that people in long term relationships sometimes forget to say these things out loud to each other. Something about seeing the same person over and over and over – sometimes you just miss stuff. So try to remember to compliment her out loud any time you notice something nice.  And, the more often you tell us how hot we are or how pretty you think we are, the more we believe you. We need to hear it a lot because we get negative messages in the media all day every day that we are not good enough, not thin enough, not sexy enough, not smart enough… so help us out and share with us when you see something you like. Have more sex with your wife!

Tip #2 to improve the odds that your wife or girlfriend might want to have sex tonight: Help more. I know this one is never popular, but two of the main reasons women tell me they are not in the mood to have sex is because (1) they are too tired to even think about sex by the end of their long day. And, (2) they feel resentful and put out that they are working, grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, homework with the kids, laundry, etc.  and they wish their husbands or boyfriends could handle a few more chores so they can have the energy to possibly give his penis some attention later that night.

Tip #3 to improve the odds that your wife or girlfriend might want to have sex tonight: Make sure she has a climax BEFORE YOU every time. (Every single time. Even if she says it’sok and not to worry about it. Make it your passion to give her a climax every time. Be patient. Use a bullet vibe on her if necessary.)  Humans tend to like to reward positive behavior.

We know that men have a really good time every time they come to the party. If she associated an awesome, skin tingling, earth shattering, toe curling orgasm every time the two of you have sex … like you do EVERY TIME… she may begin to associate sex with you as a REALLY AWESOME thing. And, she may want to do it more often! (have more sex with your wife.)

Here is another blog I wrote on a similar topic called “Resentment Never Leads to Hot Sex”  and another one I wrote called “The 5 things Women Really Want When it Comes to Sex

We’d love to connect with you on Facebook.   www.Facebook.com/BlissConnection  Come and like us and join in the dialogue. What do you think of our 3 tips? We would love your opinions and advice.

Blissfully, Chrystal Bougon    www.BlissConnection.com is our online sex toy store

***** It’s my mission to get a FREE SILVER BULLET into the hands of all women 18 and over. Check out my website www.FreeSilverBullet.com  or shop our online store   www.BlissConnection and every time you spend $25 you get a free silver bullet added to your shipment.


{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Brunettemomshell November 20, 2012 at 12:48 pm

Amazing!!! All of this is true, and Amazing!!

Lindsay January 16, 2013 at 11:24 am

I’ve always said – Foreplay is how you treat me all day.
Flattery and appreciation go a LONG WAY!

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