Zestra arousal gel for women on Better Sex Radio

by Chrystal Bougon on September 14, 2011


Zestra! Great name, isnt it. Well, I’ve heard about it for years and one day I was tweeeting about it and the company saw my tweets and contacted me. I finally also got to test some, too. Zestra is a botanical, arousal oil designed to help women with their libido.

“Zestra has been documented to improve women’s feelings of desire, arousal and sexual satisfaction.”

This Wednesday the 14th, I am excited to interview Rachel from Zestra and she’s gonna tell us all about it and how you can try it for free, too.  This is a blurb from Zestra.com and some links to their website, fan page and you can tweet with them, too.

“Now, you can buy better sex in a bottle with Zestra, the only clinically proven, safe, natural, easy-to-apply blend of botanical oils that enhances female arousal, desire and satisfaction within minutes of the first time — and every time — you use it. Sound good? You can try Zestra for FREE at Zestra.com.”

And, if you want to connect with other woman like you who are interested in enjoying satisfying sex and enjoying the ZestraRush, you can connect with them at http://www.twitter.com/zestra or on our facebook page http://www.facebook.com/Zestra

Be sure to tune in at 11 a.m. Pacific while we are live on the air at www.BlogtalkRadio.com/BlissRadio  and if you have any questions for Zestra, please comment here or on our Bliss Facebook Page at http://www.Facebook.com/BlissConnection or tweet your question to @blissconnection

My passion is your passion!

Blissfully, Chrystal Bougon



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