Do you have deep love and respect for yourself?

by Chrystal Bougon on August 26, 2011


Condoms create such interesting discussions at our home pleasure parties. It’s my feeling that if you have a deep love and respect for yourself, you will always use condoms for sex with new partners.

Where the debate comes in, sometimes, is when we discuss how men feel about a woman showing up to the date with condoms in her purse. Apparently, some men still believe that a woman who brings her own condoms is trampy our slutty.

I am really hoping this old fashioned way of thinking is quickly going away. And, if it were me and the man I was dating had some kind of silly notion about a woman and condoms – well I am pretty sure that would be the last date and he would likely never get to see or use said condoms.

I think that a man who dates a woman that brings her own condoms should feel like the luckiest man on earth. He’s on a date with a woman who knows her value and a woman that had deep love for her own health and his.

On top of that, when both parties do not have to stress about STD’s or STI’s, then everyone can relax and have a great time. I think it’s super hot that my partner cares about my health and wants to put my mind at rest when we are in an intimate situation.

What do you think? Do you bring your own condoms on a date ladies? Gentlemen, what do you think of women who bring their own condoms on a date with you?

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Tastee's Condoms September 4, 2011 at 12:45 am

Hey so I agree that if a lady shows up to a date with condoms in her purse – YEP you should feel like the luckiest guy on earth…

Although, what is the guy doing going through her purse šŸ˜‰

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