Waterproof Bullet and Doggie Style Strap Review from BuxomBunny

by Buxom Bunny on June 6, 2013

test #1

Hello all my Blissful Beauties!

This time around the beautiful Ms. Chrystal Bougin at Curvy Girl Lingerie has let me try out not one, but two of her fabulous products, the waterproof bullet by Cal Exotics and the doggie style strap by Sportsheets. All in all, I have had a resoundingly positive experience with both of them.

The waterproof bullet is, quite simply, fantastic. The controller comes in deep red and dark violet, and is shaped to fit easily in your hand, with a silver bullet at the end of its cord. The whole device is three feet from the end of the controller, down the cord, and to the tip of the bullet, and the bullet itself is the standard size of roughly two inches long with a one inch diameter. It has two speeds, powerful and even more powerful, controlled by a rubber coated button that sits flush with the casing of the controller to ensure its safety in water. My husband also discovered that you can add a third, pulsing function, by lightly pressing and releasing the button, if you’re more focused on teasing, or foreplay, than with trying to get your orgasm before the kids come home that is.

 In the name of my dear readers I put the claim of “waterproof” to the test, and the bullet passed with flying colors. I filled up my sink, turned on the bullet, and let it sit in the water for a good few minutes, completely submerged, from bullet to controller. It never slowed down, or gave any other sign, like flying sparks, that it had been compromised, and even gave my cat a few entertaining minutes, watching it bounce around in the bottom of the sink. I also did one more test in the name of busy, overworked, and under-orgasmed moms everywhere, and I am happy to tell all you moms, mommies, and mamas out there that not only is it indeed quite waterproof, but it also cannot be heard over the running shower! So moms, suit down and get to it! You no longer need to wait until date night; you can make your own fun in the tub during your normal shower, or even a nice relaxing bubble bath.

Overall this bullet is a wonderfully simplistic design that allows for massively powerful vibrations as well as versatility. You can use the bullet for clitoral, vaginal, or anal stimulation, and it’s also quite fun to use as a sensual tease to your blindfolded lover’s nipples or sac, head or toes, and anything in between. The cord is long enough, after inserting the bullet, to make it much more comfortable to use the controller than having to hold your rabbit in place, over your breasts and belly, which some of us have more of than others, and keep it at that perfect spot, at the perfect angle, while contorting yourself mid orgasm. The bullet is even long enough to reach between the car seats, wink wink, letting your lover tease and torture you while he/she drives, making any trip longer than a couple minutes much more interesting, and, I might add, much more fun!

The doggie style strap is very similar in that it is relatively simple but yields oodles of pleasure. I’ve always been curious about these types of straps, but figured they wouldn’t provide much more pleasure than my husband just grabbing my hips, so why not save the money? Sweet lord in heaven I have never been so happy to be so wrong! The strap itself is roughly 48 inches long, compared to other straps I searched out online that are only 36 inches long. And don’t start thinking that this Sportsheets strap won’t fit you because your hips measure, like mine, in the 45+ inch range, because it really only needs to fit around the front of your hips/waist, so don’t stress because this will definitely still work with your body type. The pad in front is made of a soft material so it won’t chafe your belly, and has adjustable handles at either end.

I’ve always particularly liked doggie style, there’s something so primal about it, especially when your man is all sweaty and grunty, and this strap just makes everything tenfold more pleasurable. It lets much more force to be used while bringing your hips down his shaft, which in turn allows for much deeper penetration as well as rougher, harder sex in general, so how can you go wrong?? This product is so perfectly simple that it’s really hard for it to go wrong in any way, letting you and your lover focus on each other more than on getting some complicated harness or restraint system to work right.

For me, and my husband, both of these products deserve, without a doubt, five stars. Stay tuned for our next review, I wonder what Chrystal will come up with for me….

Stay Blissful my Beauties,

Buxom Bunny

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