4 Ways we can bring more Bliss to your bedroom

by Chrystal Bougon on April 8, 2010

Chrystal Bougon

Chrystal Bougon

My company is called BlissConnection.com and I created Bliss 7 years ago after I got laid off from my job in High Tech.

I was raised to believe that sex and romance are a healthy, natural part of everyone’s life and was taught to have
pride in my own sexuality and sensuality. I was fortunate to have parents who created a home that made it completely comfortable for us to talk about sex and sexuality…. and I was conceived in the “Summer of Love.”  (That’s 1967, btw.)  🙂
So, after I got laid off, I sort of stumbled into the Pleasure Party business and in the last 7 years, I have personally facilitated over 1,000 Bliss Pleasure Parties and have talked to well over 10,000 women and couples about what it is they want from their own sex lives.
There are 3 or 4 ways I can bring more Bliss to your bedroom!
For starters, I have our online store which is a very tasteful site considering we are selling romance toys on our
site. My website does have images of adult toys so be careful:  http://www.BlissConnection.com and I always offer
my friends a 15% off discount by using the coupon code CB at check out, too.
We also have a Pleasure Party division where we bring our MOBILE ROMANCE STORE to your home and
we do what we call a very educational but sassy presentation about our romance products and how you can
incoporate them into your own love life.   http://www.BlissPartiesInc.com
I also have an Award Winning Radio Show every Wednesday morning called “Everyone Wants to Have Better
Sex” and you can tune in live on http://www.BlogTalkRadio.com/BlissRadio  as we stream live or you can
hear our years worth of podcasts on iTunes by searching on Bliss Radio and Better Sex Radio. We talk about
all sorts of topics on Better Sex Radio and often times they are topics that can bring more bliss to your
Lastly, we do have a blog where we write about all sorts of topics relating to S.E.X. and this is where I
would really love your support. My blog is at http://www.bliss-radio.com  and we love to share all sorts of
info and reviews on our blog … and as a woman many of us know ( Ann Evanston) is fond of saying….
help a friend out and comment on her blog!
Ok, PHEW! Is that enough? I really want to help bring the BLISS back to your bedroom and I would love
to help in any way I can.  Call me at 408-826-9087 and I would be happy to tell you all about them!
Blissfully, Chrystal

Diva & The City, II : May 26th $30

Tune in to Bliss-Radio every Wednesday morning at 11 a.m. at http://www.bliss-radio.com

Want to know more about our products?
Check out my blog:

Tel: 408-826-9087
Want to join in the BLISS dialogue? Join our fanpage at http://www.FaceBook.com/BlissConnection

Want to network with my friends and me online to compliment our IN PERSON networking? Join my new Facebook group:   http://bit.ly/1tN4zm


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