My other passion is helping women entrepeneurs grow their biz

by Chrystal Bougon on April 8, 2010

I have two passions. My first passion is to help women and couples to improve their romantic life. But, my second passion is to assist women growing their businesses! I know it is not very sexy …. or maybe it is!

Hatch Network is a Modern Business School for Women and I LOVE LOVE LOVE their founders Claire Fontana and Alison Covarrubias. Brilliant women with amazing vision and a passion for helping women grow their businesses.

I am about to kick off my second Hatch Pod. A pod is a 15 week course for women entrepeneurs. You can read more about it here on   but here is a little bit of information about the course work and the costs. I also have some awesome testimonials from the women who graduated from my first pod in San Jose that ended in February 2010.

Next South Bay Pod stars May 14th from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 pm. First four pods scheduled. The pod includes:

6 months of structure
15 in-person sessions
45 hours of wisdom and feedback
5 hours individual attention
All for 4 payments of $450 ($1800)  Or $1700 if you pay up front.   

My first pod in San Jose had 7 students. I think the perfect size is 8 entrepenuers that way everyone gets lots of individual feedback and their business gets personal attention. Below are some of the testimonials from the graduates of my first South Bay Pod:

From Liz Dyson, Vintage Fusion Jewelry

“Chrystal  Bougon has been an amazing resource and mentor as I navigate my way towards enterepenuraial freedom. Through the Hatch Network program, Chrystal has been integral in moving my business forward through her teaching the fundamentals of small business. She is passionate about helping women grow their business and has the knowledge and network to provide amazing insight and guidance . Chrystal gives her time willingly and genuinely cares.  Chrystal continues to support me and my business and I am so thankful to have her in my network.”

From Dr. Kim Millman, The Millman Clinic

“I decided to do the Hatch program because of Chrystal. I really wanted her to be my mentor in business. I knew Chrystal previously from ewomen, a networking group that i belong to. She was always extra professional and generous of her time and her resources for anyone in need. In Hatch I found her to be the perfect mentor. She is super smart and savvy in business herself and that came through in our work together. She easily applied her own knowledge to my business and had great ideas for me. She was extra generous with her time, energy, and all of the food she brought to each Hatch meeting. She made it super fun to come to Hatch and made the curriculum super relevant to building a successful business. Do the Hatch program with Chrystal as your mentor, you will love her and not regret it.”

From Jennifer Bair,

“I participated in the San Jose HATCH POD fall/winter 2009-2010 led by Chrystal Bougon.  Chrystal was a relentless force; advocating/teaching new technology, social media and marketing/branding while maintaining an upbeat air of genuine excitement for each of the podettes she mentored.  She did one-on-one calls every week with me; helping to refine my website with a paypal account and buy-it-now buttons for my products; resulting in pre-orders for my book which will be out in June 2010. 

Chrystal Bougon is a rare combination of techno-savvy business woman and a great teacher of empathy and patience. Chrystal’s leadership made everyone feel they had something unique, viable and necessary to contribute to the community and the marketplace. She tirelessly gave of her time and ideas. The result is several new, updated and profitable businesses are now in motion; led by happy, confident women. Thanks, Chrystal.”

From Vicki Garcia,

“Chrystal is an amazing, savvy business woman. She went out of her way to spend individual time with each of us in the pod and shared her knowledge freely. She is kind and compassionate and also knows when to give you a little kick in the pants to get you going. I feel so lucky to have been a part of her first Pod.

I started to see myself and my business differently. More seriously. I realized that my actions up to that point did not show that I was a serious business owner. I learned what I needed to do to get my business set up correctly and with the support of my Pod, I did it.”


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renee March 3, 2015 at 5:26 pm

hello how do i become a wholesale buyer from you’re company

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