We LOVE a good blended orgasm at BlissConnection. Here are some of the reviews from some of our sex toy bloggers about the Butterfly Kiss. And, I should tell you, our bloggers have the freedom to HATE a toy and we always ask them for authentic and truthful reviews. It does not help anyone to write a review of a sex toy that you don’t like and lie about it. At Bliss, we like our customers to hear the truth from us. We want to stay in this business for the next 50 years. We need you to trust us!
So, first off, this a VERY hot video of our blogger and cam girl Sapphire – also known as SilkyKitty. She created this very hot 3 minute video using the Butterfly Kiss. This is NOT SAFE FOR WORK – NSFW. But, it’s super hot and useful and she shows you all the ways she enjoys this toy from Cal Exotics. (And Sapphire also wrote a review about this sex toy in Sept. 2010 with some pretty hot pics, too.)
Only click on this video link if you LOVE watching hot women enjoying themselves with a sex toy. There is explicit nudity and she does use the toy up close and personal in this video! Ok, youve been warned. Now go lock the door and enjoy!
www.SapphireCam.com Butterfly Kiss Sex Toy review video here. Sapphire also does private cam shows. Just check out her blog at SapphireCam.com or follow her on Twitter! @silkykitty
Another one of our sex toy bloggers and cam girl, AlphaHarlot.com also wrote a review about his toy the Butterfly Kiss. Alpha does web cam shows and has some pretty awesome and hard core video sites on her blog. But, this review is a written review about the buttefly kiss. Be sure to check out her other blogs and videos on RedTube and XTube. You can also follow Alpha at @alphaharlot on Twitter. Both girls ROCK it and they are both sweet as pie, but super kinky!
And, this one is a few years old, but it’s written by another sex toy blogger for BlissConnection.com. Her name is Lexi an she wrote this blog about the kiss in 2010 for us. Lexi is a Bay Area girl and she’s also a Bliss Pleasure Party customer. (VIP customer that is!) She also loves the butterfly for the fact that someone that designed the sex toy actually gave the female anatomy some consideration when the created this blended orgasm toy!
You will love flipping through Lexi’s blog about sex toys and all of her other advnetures. Lexi’s butterfly kiss sex toy review and blog is fun to read and all of these ladies will turn you on, I am sure of that. You can tell they all LOVE sex and know that sex should be fun!
We hope you enjoy their blogs and we have sufficiently excited you! If you “like” our Bliss style, please come and “LIKE” us on Facebook. www.Facebook.com/BlissConnection or pin this post for us!
What is your opinon of this sex toy? Leave your comments and let us know.
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Thanks so much for the shout out, Chrystal!! 🙂 This toy is definitely one of my favorites and is ALWAYS in my nightstand with fully charged batteries. 🙂
Mmmm it was my pleasure making that video using the Butterfly Kiss! Love it. Alpha Harlot, it’s always in my nightstand too!! 🙂 xo!
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