Cougars dating cubs on Better Sex Radio this week. I am going to interview a friend of Bliss, Adryenn Ashley, all about her foray into the dating world and what she has learned from dating cubs. You can listen as we stream live on Blog Talk Radio’s Better Sex Radio. Tune in at 11 a.m. Pacific.
First Ashton and Demi put it on the cover of every magazine in 2003 and then again when they got married in 2005. She was 42 and he was 27. 15 year difference between the two! But they are celebrities. Every thing is all bright and shiney and new – plus everyone looks 25 in Hollywood. We want to hear the REAL down low on dating younger men.
WHAT DO YOU WANT: I’ve spent a year observing men, looking at all kinds, married and single, and looking for aspects that I like. The hands of the concert pianist. The camaraderie in the kitchen, the look from across the room that makes me feel like the most beautiful woman on earth. Rather than make the normal list, I’m attacking the issue this way: how do I want to feel for the rest of my life? Laughter is a big deal, and a requirement. And I’ve learned that I can’t live without a few more things, like holding hands, and kissing. The kinds of things I’ll still be actively doing in my 90’s. And oh yeah, the sex. Figuring out what I like there has actually been awakening!
The great thing about observation mode is there is no desperation. Sitting alone observing the singletons feeling lonesome and unwanted, I don’t identify with them, I see exactly what I don’t want to look like and I don’t want to radiate.
EXPLORING THE OPTIONS: To go Cougar or not. Do I have it in me. I went on a date with a 21 year old. That was odd. I felt like his mom even though he was totally in charge and the “man”. And did I mention hot? Public pressure is something to decide on. Now, I think if you’re dating someone like Ashton Kutcher, it’s all good. Not just hot, but smart, successful, funny, with a vision and totally able to step up and be the man of the house.
But can you be the little woman? There’s where the fun begins. Cougar parties, Cougar Conventions and Cougar / Cub dating sites are all the rage.
This should be juicy. I can’t wait to talk with Adryenn all about her experiences dating (and the sex) in the BRAVE NEW WORLD dating universe. I keep telling the women I meet at our Bliss Pleasure Parties that there has never been a better time in the history of the world to be a woman over 35 and dating.
Adryenn has a fan page / business page on Facebook called Spotting the Kooks and she is a published author and super sassy, sexy and a smarty pants, too. You can buy Adryenn’s book “Every Single Girl’s Guide to her Future Husband’s Last Divorce” on EveryGirlsGuides.com
Adryenn has been on the show with us in the past and we did a Sex Q & A. You can listen to the podcast and read the questions that our Bliss fans submitted last year in May 2009 when Adryenn and I did a live Q & A.
Would love for you to retweet this out to your friends and network and send us your questions about dating cubs. I am sure Adryenn could give you some very direct an sassy advice.
Join our fan page to keep up to date on our radio show and our online romance store: www.Facebook.com/BlissConnection
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I’ll be taking
I’m be going for the title of Miss Cougar East Bay! 🙂 (really I’d rather be Miss Cougar Marin)!
LOVE it. Adryenn, if there is another Cougar convention this year or next year, we need to go to observe!
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