Sex Toy “Tag Line” contest from

by Chrystal Bougon on March 25, 2010

We think you will all be inspired to come up with some VERY FUNNY tag lines to go along with this amazing and innovative new sex toy called the Sqweel. We are asking you to share your funniest tag lines and once we have about 20 – 25 of them from our facebook fans and customers, we will put them in a poll and up for a vote. The winning entry will recieve a FREE Sqweel from    Please post your TAG LINE entry on our Fan Page at or here in the comment section of our blog here. If you want to enter anonymously, please email us at Bliss Connection @ and put the word SQWEEL in the subject:

Free Sqweel Contest

Free Sqweel Contest

This toy is just so DIFFERENT and UNUSUAL, we think that it will inspire you to come up with some really funny TAG LINES.  I started the fun off with this one:

” It takes a licking and keeps on licking.” (Remember the old Timex Ads? It takes a licking and keeps on ticking?)

From Tammy: “Because your ex only had one tongue and never used it”

From Janelle: “Dont bite me, just give me a little lick! Lick lick lick lick!!!!!”

From Crystal: “Why only settle for one tongue?”

From Lexi: “how many licks does it take to get to the center.”

From Roger: “Sqweel tween the thighs, keeps on turnin”

From Victoria: “Licks until you melt.”

From Rush: “How many licks does it take to get to the center of your G-spot Pop?” playing off of the old Tootsie Roll catch phrase of course!”

From Rush: “Feels Mmmm, Mmmm good!”

From Roger: “THE reason the wheel was invented.”

From Roger: “It won’t lick itself.”  (I love this – saw on a pair of panties before, Roger.)

From Tishntez: “Want satisfaction? The proof is in the SQWEEL!!”

From Rhianna: “A reason to thank cavemen.”

Enter as many times as you like. If you know you want to buy one TODAY, please feel free to use the coupon code

TONGUE through April 5th for a discount and free shipping on


{ 9 comments… read them below or add one }

saida March 26, 2010 at 8:01 am

i dont know about funny .. but this is TRUE

“you cant stick it if you DONT LICK it”

Chrystal March 26, 2010 at 10:55 am

I always love that one, Saida. WE should print that one up on some hot PINK t-shirts with our MISS BLISS logo!

Kat Wilder March 28, 2010 at 8:23 pm

How about this:
Why tongues get jealous …

Dorothy Ponton March 29, 2010 at 7:11 pm

This technology is Step 1 in the Robots’ Plan for World Domination. Well, I welcome our new Robot Overlords.

Chrystal April 1, 2010 at 12:06 pm

thanks – and it’s supposed to be “It’ll get you there – LICKity Split!”

From “Debi” a long time Bliss Pleasure party customer

Chrystal April 2, 2010 at 12:45 pm

From a customer we will just call her “denise” :
I think I got a good tagline for your new toy. How about the “Lucky Lick-Her” what could be more lucky (or should I say “get lucky”) than getting licked by TEN tonques at once! For even more fun combine a little liquor with the “Lick-Her”.
Here is a couple more tags:
“The Ten Lick Salute” (pun on ten gun salute) or
“Ten Tonque Salute”
“Ten Tongues of Fun” (tons of fun!)
“Funny Tonguey”

Fred Downs April 2, 2010 at 8:16 pm


Mark April 13, 2010 at 9:30 am

Just another reason to replace the hubby/bf, lol
“Not just a BOB”
“The Licker Picker-upper”

Anne November 16, 2012 at 8:36 pm

With this many tongues, who wouldn’t wanna Sqweel?

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