and – how will they co-exist?

by Chrystal Bougon on August 12, 2012


I am getting tons of questions about the fact that I am opening a store called Curvy Girl and what does that mean for our Bliss Pleasure Parties and our sex toy business. So, I thought I would take a few minutes to explain how I see things working going forward. It will be fun to re-visit this in a year to see how much reality matches my dream.

Buckle your seatbelts. This is bound to be a long blog post!

For starters, I look at Curvy Girl Lingerie (our brick & mortar) to be an extension of and Bliss Pleasure Parties. Sadly, no, this will not be a sex toy store. It’s VERY difficult to open up a sex toy store in San Jose. And, I have owned a sex toy store before in Sunnyvale called Magical Moments. So, been there, done that. And, sometimes sex toy stores brings in some creepy people. So, I will not have any sex toys on display at my new store.

However, I will be doing our Bliss Pleasure Parties at the store as private parties. Plus, I am very excited to offer an expanded list of events and classes at Curvy Girl that are very blissful. But, these will all be private parties which means that we will close the store for these naughtier events and only paying customers who RSVP and pay to attend the event or who book their own private party at the store. (For example, if you want to book your own pleasure party at our store, I would be happy to facilitate a Bliss Pleasure Party for you there in the store for you and your friends. It will only cost $30 to book a party at the store.)

Our store will be in the Willow Glen area of San Jose. I am calling it Curvy Girl : Lingerie, Shoes and Gifts and the address will be             1535-30 Meridian Ave, San Jose, CA  95125. We are going to be in the Three Flames & Rookies shopping center sharing a wall with the Merle Norman Store. SUPER easy to find and one of the busiest streets in San Jose!

Personally, I have been doing Bliss Pleasure Parties since 2002. I have done thousands of parties all over the Bay Area. That means I have been schlepping my mobile sex toy store all over the place for years and year and I am ready to just be in one place. I hope to still do lots of parties for all of my regular customers and any new customers – but not in their home. Just at my store. Once the store closes at night and I have a party booked – I will set up the back room just like I do when I come and set up a Bliss party in your home.

We are happy to continue to do parties all over the Bay Area. I have some fabulous women working for me and they will continue to do in home Bliss Pleasure Parties. They will come and set up their mobile sex toy store in your home. But, now we will have another option to have a venue for your Bliss party and I am happy to facilitate it for you – just in my store, though.

The lingerie store has been a dream of mine since I was 21 or 22 – and I am 44 now! The plus size woman is so under served. I have always wished for curvy lingerie and have noticed in the last 10 years that more of the lingerie manufacturers are finally making lingerie for CURVES.

It’s  a VERY exciting time right now for women size 12 and above. There are more clothes stores for us and lots and lots of ONLINE stores. The mall stores like The Avenue, Lane Bryant and Torrid do carry a few pieces of lingerie, pretty bras and sexy panties. But, typically only one or two items. My dream is to always stock tons of sexy g-strings, hot thongs, booty shorts, baby dolls, bustiers, corsets and stockings for women size 12 up to size 6x. Plus we will have tons of sexy shoes for women of all sizes and lots of fun gifts, too. (I plan to have candles, edible massage oils, body chocolate paint and other soft goodies that are NOT sex toys.)

And, if you know me at all, you know how much it means to me and how much passion I have for helping women and couples to have a very rich, connected, crazy hot sex life. To me, Curvy Girl is just an extension of that. And, to me, both businesses support each other so well. I can see Bliss customers shopping at Curvy. And, I can definitely see Curvy customers shopping at Bliss or hosting Bliss parties. We may even add Lingerie Parties to our list of services we offer.

So, stay tuned. We plan to continue to market and advertise our Online Sex Toy Store to customers all over the country. We sell and ship sex toys all over the U.S. and Canada. And we will be bulking up our CURVY GIRL lingerie on the site, so when our customers want to buy our lingerie online, we will point them to BlissConnection. And, we plan to continue to doing Bliss Pleasure Parties at the store AND all over the Bay Area. So, business as usual. But, now we have an option where you can come and shop for the non-sex toy Bliss items, sexy lingerie, shoes and more.

Wish me luck. And, if you have ideas for how we can get the word out about our store or our Bliss Parties, please share here. If you want to support us now, you can help us out by LIKING us on Facebook.  Our Bliss page is going strong on and our new business page on Facebook for Curvy Girl is  . We would love to chat with you here or there.

Thanks so much for all of your love and support. I SERIOUSLY feel all of the love and I adore each of you for being so generous with your enthusiasm, your ideas, your support and your love.

Blissfully, Chrystal Bougon


p.s. Our Curvy Girl Logo is courtesy of Les Toil




{ 25 comments… read them below or add one }

Erika Taylor Montgomery August 13, 2012 at 9:45 am

I’m SO happy and excited for you Chrystal! It’s wonderful to see your dreams coming true and I just know that Curvy Girl and Bliss Pleasure Parties will work wonderfully well with you new option of having parties in the store and the possibility of you adding lingerie parties too! I’m totally here to help and support you in this amazing journey! CONGRATS!!!

Jen August 13, 2012 at 9:50 am

We are all sooooooo proud of you, Chrystal! We know you can do this and are so excited to have such a dynamic leader looking out for us Curvy Girls. Thank You for all that you do for women and couples. You have made a difference in so many of our lives and this new venture will just expand on that. Of course we wish you GOOD LUCK but we know you will ROCK THIS just like you do everything else! xox

Tamara August 13, 2012 at 9:58 am

Wow, congratulations Chrystal on seeing your vision and passion come to fruition and expand!  You continue to open new worlds and more fun for women and their partners everwhere.  Great job and feel the sizzle coming 🙂

Marlene Fales August 13, 2012 at 10:33 am

Wishing you the Best of Luck and success!


Virtual August 13, 2012 at 12:27 pm

Follow your dreams. Make them a priority. at 44, if not now, when? So go for it.

LeslieLang88 August 13, 2012 at 3:51 pm

Bravo Chrystal! What a fabulous idea! These two business ideas go hand and hand! With your business sense, creativity, fan base and flair, Curvy Girl will be a huge success and your Bliss business will go through the roof! I support you 1000%!

Hurry up! I’m super excited to see all the sexy clothes and shoes in that great shop! Oh, and thank you for setting up your business near my house! Woot!

Liza August 13, 2012 at 4:26 pm

So happy for you Chrystal. You are an inspiration and you motivate so many women to follow their dreams! 

Blissconnection August 13, 2012 at 5:33 pm

 Thank you Tamara.

Blissconnection August 13, 2012 at 5:34 pm

I am so excited, Diva! 

Blissconnection August 13, 2012 at 5:34 pm

 Thanks for your support, Erika.

Blissconnection August 13, 2012 at 5:35 pm

 Thanks Liza. I appreciate your words of support.

Blissconnection August 13, 2012 at 5:36 pm

 Leslie, you are a funny girl. How did you know I planned to put my store VERY close to your home?

Blissconnection August 13, 2012 at 5:36 pm

 Exactly! Thanks!

Blissconnection August 13, 2012 at 5:37 pm

 Thanks so much, Marlene. I appreciate it.

Shawn August 13, 2012 at 8:24 pm

 Sounds like such an exciting adventure! Can’t wait to see your dream come to life. I know that you will bring your Bliss concepts of top-notch products and outstanding service to Curvy Girl! You are an inspiration!

Chrystal Bougon August 14, 2012 at 9:02 am

Thanks Shawn. It’s going to be so much fun.

Maaliea Wilbur August 14, 2012 at 9:27 am

Congrats Chrystal!  This sounds like such an amazing way to blend the two businesses.  Best of luck on this journey! 

Pat Zahn August 14, 2012 at 7:06 pm

All very exciting and makes loads of sense in your evolutionary journey. Congratulations and what’s the correct “break a leg” phrase for a new business?

Sonia Orban-Price August 15, 2012 at 10:28 am

Can’t wait to see the store in it’s entireity 🙂 So awesome that you are pursuing the dream!! Congrats!!

Sonia Orban-Price August 15, 2012 at 10:28 am

Can’t wait to see the store in it’s entireity 🙂 So awesome that you are pursuing the dream!! Congrats!!

Kathy S. August 16, 2012 at 1:24 pm

I am so, so excited for you!  I think Curvy Girl and Bliss is a perfect marriage, and I really admire you for taking this big step.  You have given SO MUCH to everyone else, and I know it will all come back to you in spades.  Curvy Girl will be a great success, and you will have loads of loyal customers!  Congratulations on your new baby! : )

Chrystal Bougon August 16, 2012 at 2:33 pm

Thanks Kathy and thank you for all of your DESIGN help, too. I am so excited.

Chrystal Bougon August 16, 2012 at 2:33 pm

I am not sure, Pat. But thanks for the well wishes.

Betty Kaufman September 2, 2012 at 5:05 pm

You are awesome, and I know you will bring your awesomeness to Curvy Girl Lingerie! I can’t wait for your grand opening! Congrats!!!

Randi Solari Silva September 6, 2012 at 2:13 pm

What a fantastic idea! It hadn’t occurred to me that you would be hosting there, but what a perfect idea for you and the client. I can host a party with out having to figure out what to do with my husband and kids. It even becomes a real night out for the client since she doesn’t have normal hosting duties. I love it. Many congratulations to you and I can’t wait to see it open!

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