Back to school time! I hear a collective sigh of relief from all of the Moms in Silicon Valley. I know you love and adore your kids…. but I also know you also adore when they all go back to school. Especially here in the Bay Area, since most families have both parents working outside of the home. So, summer means MORE juggling then usual since the kids are home for two months while you’re trying to work your job, keep up your home and keep the kids entertained.
So it’s time to treat yourself to a Mom’s Night Out. I have a few ideas for you and your friends for a super sassy evening in or out with your girlfriends.
1. Host a Bliss Pleasure Party! We bring our MOBILE romance store to your home and set it up in your bedroom or office. We do our sassy yet educational presentation in the living room. You invite your friends and ask them to bring some wine and an appetizer and away we go. We handle the rest. We come prepared with an ice breaker, a fab presentation and a full store set up if your friends are interested in bringing more Bliss to their bedroom. (No waiting at a Bliss party.) Tel: 408-712-3809
2. Have a Girls’ Night Out at Sedusa Studios. Have you been dying to take a Sensual Dance or Pole Dancing class? Book your Girls’ Night at Sedusa by calling our friend Carol at 408-867-2224 and dance the night away. Sedusa Studios is the Bay Area’s premiere pole dance studio and it’s a blast. You can even combine a Girls’ Night Out with a Bliss Pleasure Party. Call me for more details. 408-712-3809 You can also become a fan of Sedusa on Facebook. www.Facebook.com/PoleDanceSedusa
3. Book a limo with Lone Star Limousine and enjoy a Girls’ Night Out pub crawl or wine tasting. Out friends at Lone Star Limo offer fantastic and personal service along with a fabulously beautiful fleet of limos and other transportation. Some of our customers have a Bliss party at their home and then plan a night out on the town afterwards in a Lone Star Limo. Lone Star is our transportation partner at Bliss. Call Jen or their staff at Lone Star at 408-263-1583 to book your limo today. Like them on Facebook. www.Facebook.com/LnStarLimo
4. Host a WINE party in your home. My good friend Betty leads Wine Tastings all over the Bay Area. Betty’s website is www.WineTastingsAndMore.com and for $29.95 plus S & H, you get 6 yummy bottles of wine and the fab Betty Kaufman leading you and your friends in a very informative and fun wine tasting party. I have been so several of Betty’s wine tastings and it’s so much fun. You can also like Betty’s Wine Tasting Page on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/Winetastingsandmore
How’s that for variety? Bookmark this blog for a great Moms’ Night Out reference page!
You deserve a great Moms’ Night out and if you decide on any of these fun parties – your husband and kids will thank you later, I promise!
Like our style? We’d love for you to become a fan of Bliss on Facebook, too. www.Facebook.com/BlissConnection
{ 28 comments… read them below or add one }
All of these are super ideas! Tasteful, fun, exciting . . . educational! Get those girls together, and have a great evening!
Thank you, Charlotte. I appreciate your endorsement!
Love your recommendations! But I do have two thoughts that I wanted to share:
1) Why limit this to moms? I know that moms are more stressed out than the rest of us, especially at this time of year. But as a non-mom, I want to be able to do these activities too!
2) Moms’ Night Out vs. Moms’ Nights Out – I think this list might just require setting aside more than a single day 🙂
Hi Chrystal,
These are great Mom’s Night Out ideas!
I’ve enjoyed a “WineTastingsandMore.com” evening in my home before and highly recommend it.
I agree w/Betty that even non-moms deserve a night out with the girls. Yes, we moms are a harried bunch, but I know a number of non-moms in town who burn the candle at both ends and would benefit from an evening of fun and de-stressing.
There’s nothing like escaping with the girls for a few stolen hours devoted to ourselves and some good conversations.
Thanks for the reminder that we all need to take time out and just CHILL!
Becky Williamson
Well, I can certainly vouch for the Bliss Party – and you get some humorous and tasty cocktail recipes as well (do you still do that?) And Betty, for non-Moms, call it Ladies Night Out!
You’re right, summer is tough for mom-types. You want to love them being home ALL the time, but…
Anyhow, great ladies night ideas! Now, all I have to do is find a way to choose.
Thanks Chrystal! Great ideas! I am pleased to comment that I have partaken (is that a word?) in all of the above! 🙂
Thanks for sharing Chrystal. I have been to a Bliss Party, and loved it and have tried a wine tasting from http://www.WineTastingsAndMore.com.
I would love to take a limo from Lone Star up to SF to see a play or a trip to Napa. These are GREAT ideas!!!
I never considered a pole dancing class, maybe that is in my near future.
I have been lucky enough to host/attend events with Bliss, Lone Star and Wine Tastings & More. So muh fun! I highly recommend each of these services for a great girls night out!
Thanks so much, Liza!
Oh yah. Gotta love the naughty bliss cocktail recipes and the better then sex chocolate cake.
Being a mom is the hardest and most important job there is! Moms usually don’t take care of themselves because they’re too busy taking care of everyone else! These ideas here are fabulous! Pick one or do them all!!!! You moms deserve it!!!!
My son just started college this fall and I know the stress od summer all too well! All of these are fantastic ideas and with top-notch Bliss partners! Book that night out ladies!
These are such great ideas. I have participated in 3 of the 4 of these and had a blast every time. All your resources and ‘collaborators’ are fantastic and yes, everyone benefits when mom’s happy. As the saying goes, “when momma’s happy, everyone’s happy!” Thanks for the reminder Chrystal and helping us live well and Sassy 🙂
Thanks, Tamara. Yes, if Momma ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy!
Congrats, Erika. “loud” sex again …. hurrah!
It’s so important for women to have a Girls Night Out, *especially* when they’re a mom. All too often, it gets overlooked or time just passes by. I couldn’t imagine having children, a husband, a full-time job and everything else in between without letting loose every once in a while. Good ideas, Chrystal, and a good reminder to all the moms out there to go and treat yourself!
I have done 3 out of 4 above and they are always a benefit to everyone involved in the family. My kids are 22 and 27 and believe me they benefit too! What is that saying we use in NJ “HAPPY WIFE, HAPPY LIFE”!! WHEN MOMMA IS HAPPY EVERYONE IS HAPPY!
Those are wonderful local “get away” ideas for moms who are done and bored with a routine and would like to have some fun with their girlfriends!
I’m not a Mom, or a female for that matter…but ladies night is always good, especially on a Sunday its Football season
Thanks for encouraging moms of all stages to be “enlightenedly self-interested!”
Great ideas! I have made it a plan this year to have more social time for myself! We have to refill our buckets to be able to GIVE to anyone! Thanks for the reminders!
We LOVE to do pleasure parties on Sundays and for Monday Night Football widows, too! 🙂
thanks, Loreta.
Ha ha. I bet, Marlene! Thanks.
Yes, so true. we all need a night out on occasion. But, it seems that Moms really put everyone first so it’s super cool when a bunch of Moms get together and take a night off. It’s good for everyone in the family!
What a great idea. We can all use a fun girl’s night out every now and then! If you opt for a pleasure party or a wine tasting, you can bring a treat home to share with your special someone, too!
I love your list, and I love that you included me in it. Thanks!!! I think everybody could benefit from these services, especially moms. We are in such a harried world these days that it’s easy to forget to take care of ourselves. A little bit of personal care and feeding goes along way to make us happy, which of course makes everybody around us happier.