Sex Toys for Women: Remote control vibrators can be so much fun. Need a slightly naughty idea for a special occasion? We created a list of 7 special occasions that you can have some sexy fun with a remote control vibrator. We do carry several versions of the remote control vibrators on our very tasteful online sex toy store
1. Bachelorette Paties: Bored with the usual bachelorette scavenger hunt and the requisite penis tiara? Why not try a remote control vibrator for your bachelorette. Take turns passing the remote control around.
2. Host a Bliss Pleasure Party and buy one for the hostess or guest of honor. Wouldn’t that be a riot. I can imagine our sex toy blogger “Lexi” enjoying this idea at her next pleasure party. Lexi’s Sex Toy Blog Link
3. Buy your husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend a remote control vibe for YOUR birthday. Only wrap the remote control and give that to them. You have the vibe hidden somewhere special.
4. Out with your friends for a cocktail or dancing? Pack a remote control vibrator with you in case the party gets a little dull. (9 ways to use your vibe with your guy here.)
5. Bring a new level of excitement to your book club, bunko group or gourmet club.
6. Going to spend some time with your family? Why not take the edge off with an orgasm or two?
7. On THAT date? Is it that night, finally? Why not take the vibe with you out to dinner. Slip it into your date’s hand and if they react well – time to go and put it on for the drive or walk home!
Have you ever used a remote control vibrator in a funny location? Tell us about it here.
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