Things Women Wish Men Knew, Part II. From Kara Sutra

by Chrystal Bougon on September 9, 2009

Kara_Sutra says:

After posting the subject matter for discussion on my varying sites (Twitter, MySpace, Girls Teach Guys) and asking for the viewers input the suggestions came flooding!

So far these seem to be the most popular;

*real dates aren`t fast food – they don`t have to be at an expensive restaurant just show that you put some thought into it.
*you don`t have to wait for 3 days to call us – we don`t need to spend that time worrying or wondering if you really liked it or why your not calling
*call when you say you will – it doesnt have to be a long convo just follow through when you say you will. Even just a quick `hey I said I`d call but I cant really talk now` will usually do.
*Sex is not a guarantee after a date – no matter how much money or thought went into it
*Chivalry is not dead – we like when you pull out chairs or open doors for us, especially the car door.

* Holidays and anniversaries might not be a big deal to you but they are to us
*Once we are your gf is does not mean you are a 5 year old again and we are your mother – clean up after yourself
*We like when you take responsibility and cook for us – theres nothing sexier then a man who can cook
*No matter how long we`ve been together we still appreciate the little things – notes, cards, flowers etc

*Forplay is not `hey wanna do it`or any other form of groping or jamming your hand down our pants
*Sometimes we really do have a headache and we expect you to be understanding about it
*If we ask you to do something that we like do it for longer then a minute before reverting back to your own ways
*the clitoris is on the outside

*We have insecurities and we count on you not to tease us for them
*If you notice something your doing is pissing me off then stop doing it when I ask you to – waiting until I flip out then calling me crazy doesn`t help.
*We don`t always find it as funny as you do when you fart, burp, swear or make jokes

Please feel free to continue to add to this list as its all very important and great `inside` information that all men should know.



*** This all came from a blog comment Kara made on our blog and I just had to turn it into it’s own blog post.  To read the initial entry, click on 9 Things Women Wish Men Knew that kicked off this discussion. ***  The podcast of our interview on Better Sex Radio will be available ASAP and we will be sure to post it her. In the meantime, go and check out Kara’s video blogs on You Tube.


Chrystal Bougon, Sex Expert & Pleasure Coach

Sex Toys Tastefully:

Pleasure Parties all over the Bay Area at


{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Tiras September 17, 2009 at 11:56 am

hmm.. am i first? :3 me and my gf just watched the holliday child video on youtube and are also really interested in trying that powder.. (if i have just understood the offer correctly ;P) also: very nice topic and tips! i hope it help couples who have problems because of some of these things. for the girls: just talk to us!! if you dont say anything you dont like ittl not get better. im glad my gf has told me many things and we are having a wonderful sx life together! 🙂

cheers, daniel

Chrystal Bougon September 17, 2009 at 12:45 pm

Hi there. Thanks for replying to my contest/blog discussion on Kara’s You Tube video. Please email me at with your shipping address and we will USPS you the mini Honey Dust.

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