blowjob-webinarI have been teaching blowjob classes in the San Jose Bay Area for over a decade. I have been educating adults about sex toys in 2003 in the Bay Area and during those years, my clients would beg for a b.j. class. I am fortunate to be one of those people that can discuss sex publicly and never feel an ounce of embarrassment.  $125 for 75 minutes of instruction.

As I like to say, we all got here the same way. Why would anything related to sex be embarrassing?  As long as you are leaving kids and animals out of it, I say go for it. (With enthusiastic consent, too, obviously.)

But, maybe you are more of an introvert and cannot imagine going to a group b.j. class. No worries. We can do it one to one via my Zoom account. If you do not want to, you do not even need to show your face.  It can be all me with my rubber dildo teaching you techniques that will drive your partner wild.

Why a gourmet AND an efficient b.j. in one class?  Well, to be honest, some days we have got shit to do! I adore lavishing attention on my lover, but I also need to unload the dishwasher, write a blog, and do some laundry.

We typically do not always have 30 minutes or an hour for some hot oral sex.  So, I like to teach both styles. And, some of the techniques you can use in both styles of blowjobs. But, if you use some of these tips, even if it only lasts 10 minutes  –  he might feel like it was gourmet! Know what I mean? $125 for 75 minutes and you get my B.J. ebook, too.

When I do my in-person b.j. coachings, typically everyone gets a 6″ rubber dildo and a flavored condom. In the online webinar, you can bring your own dildo or even your lover if you like.  You do not have to have your video on. You can put a post-it note over your screen if you are paranoid. (I am. That is what I do!)  But, it also would not offend me if you want to practice on your actual lover.

The cost if this seminar / webinar is $125.  You can pay using this link or you can VENMO or $CashApp me your payment. My handle is @curvygirl on both. (We set the coaching for any day or time that works for you.)

What you get with your one-hour ZOOM webinar : (I use my ZOOM account for our webinar.)

  1. One of our to 75 minutes of my favorite techniques to teach you as well as time for your questions.
  2. One copy of my e-book by the same name sent to your email.
  3. A 40% off ONE TIME USE coupon code you can use on my sex toy website

Here are some other blogs I have written about blowjobs over the years. This may be all you need, too, so check these out first.

How to give your man a mind-blowing blow job

Blowjob tips from Bliss blog

Blow jobs should not feel like a job blog 

Oral Sex is a gift – giving and receiving blog 


The only equipment you need for this coaching is a way to access the unique ZOOM link I send to you for your coaching. Can be a tablet, your phone or a laptop.   $125 for 75 minutes and a copy of my eBook “How to give a gourmet b.j.”

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bj seminar

bj webinar

blow job class

blow job seminar

blow job webinar

blowjob class

blowjob seminar

blowjob webinar

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what dat mouth do

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gourmet b.j.

dick sucking seminar

dick sucking webinar

b.j. class for introverts

b.j. class for couples

b.j. class for gay men

blow job class for couples

blow job class for introverts

how do i give a good blow job

how go i suck dick like a porn star

how do I learn to suck dick




Sex Toys for Fat Girls Podcast, Part 1

by Chrystal Bougon on June 17, 2019

6 sex toys to try before you die






We will be discussing sex toys and sex positions that work great for fat girls!



Sex In Bodies of all Sizes

March 18, 2019

Join us on Zoom on March 24th when we talk sex! We will be discussing body-positive approaches to sex. I am a woman of size. And, I know that where there is a will, there is a way.  We will discuss confidence in the bedroom, how to tweak positions if one or both partners are […]

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Bliss-Radio : My Better Sex Radio Podcast is Back!

March 18, 2019

  I am very excited to get my podcast rolling again after an 8 year break  I am going to be podcasting about sex, sex toys, sex toy reviews, interviewing sex experts and other friends who are in the fat-osphere so we can talk about sex in a fat body.  I will also likely talk about […]

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Sex Toys for Curvy Women from

August 2, 2018

Here are some of our top and most read blogs about Hot Sex and the Curvy Girl! We love the Womanizer at Curvy Girl! 4 Fab Sex Toys for Fat Women Why we had to take our sex toys off of our lingerie website and re-launch our Bliss site: We Had To […]

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Sexy Lingerie for Full Figure Babes at Curvy Girl Lingerie

July 14, 2018

You know what goes great with sex toys? Lingerie!  And, at Curvy Girl, we specialize in lingerie for babes size 12/14 to size 28/30. Here is a link to our website:  Curvy Girl Lingerie   Be sure to use the code Bliss25 on our Curvy Girl website if you would like a 25% of discount. […]

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Oral Sex Seminar on June 25th in Campbell

May 23, 2017

This is one of the most fun classes you will ever attend. Bring a friend! This is a hands on / mouths on seminar all centered around giving a gourmet blow job.       $40 No refunds. (If you cannot attend, you can send someone in your place.)  Pay here with your credit card […]

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All About That Bass – awesome You Tube video from Bombshell Bridal Boutique

September 13, 2014

My friend Laura sent me this super amazing Plus Size Bridal Boutique in Michigan who created this FAB video while they lip synched to “All About the Bass” and I had to share it with all of you! Thank you to the following peeps for letting me share this slice of awesome with all of […]

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August is Anal Sex Month

July 14, 2014

Yah, I know, it’s not August yet.  But, this topic keeps coming up at our store Curvy Girl Lingerie and all over the Facebook pages I belong to, so I thought I would repost an oldie but a goodie. 9 Tips for Pain Free Anal Sex  (link is here) As many of you know already, […]

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Body Love Conference here I come!

March 30, 2014

I am so excited to be traveling to Tucson, Arizona this week to be one of the presenters at the 1st ever Body Love Conference. If you are familiar with The Militant Baker, Tess Munster, Plus Size Mommy Memoirs or other Body Positivity Warriors who help teach that all bodies are beautiful …. then you […]

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