Bliss Fans: I am excited to announce my guest blogger and my guest for my “Better Sex Radio” show this week is author, spiritual and romance fitness expert Billy Sunday Mars. Tune in at 11 a.m. at www.BlogTalkRadio.com/BlissRadio . We are going to discuss his book and learn about spiritual and romantic fitness!
Hello, Billy Sunday Mars author of “Fit for Love” here. I’m excited to be on “Better Sex Radio” this Thursday, July 21st, to talk with her about what I refer to as “Supplemental Stimulation!” I’m a Spiritual & Romantic Fitness Expert with 30years experience as a Fitness Trainer – who studied Tantric and Taoist Sex Disciplines. I also wrote a book called “Fit for Love”, so I know the value of “Supplements” to improve both physical and sexual health. Supplemental toys, not only add fun but, can be just the thing to help women over hurdles whether it be for discovery or giving them much needed release of much needed body/brain balancing hormones and neuro-chemicals from – healthy regular climax and release. If women are single or sexually inactive then I recommend using toys as primary stimulation for those all-important health and wellbeing benefits from regular climax and release that like an Emotional Reboot, stabilize hormones and yes relieve stress , anxiety and tension
Many guys feel threatened by sex toys. Me, I understand sex from a scientific and spiritual perspective. I feel toys provide a great opportunity for us men to be able to concentrate on two points at once-pretty much guaranteeing beautiful blended orgasm for our partners. Sometimes, if we as guys are just too tired from work, it’s nice to know we have a back-up plan to pick up our slack. This way we know if we can’t bring our “A Game”- there’s a “Plan B” and both partners end up happy rather than just sleepy!
My website is www.billysundaymars.com. There’s a link to my book there, on Amazon or in many bookstores. Tune in to the show for fun and info on how to love your love life even more!
Thanks Billy and I look forward to the interview! If you “Like” our style, please “like” us on Facebook. Bliss on Facebook is www.Facebook.com/BlissConnection