No batteries required cordless vibrator

by Chrystal Bougon on March 11, 2012

Rechargeable vibrator from Jopen

Remember all of those Christmas mornings when you were little and “Santa” forgot to bring you batteries for your new toys? Total buzz kill, right?  And, ladies, how about those nights when you decide you are in the mood for that extra special “toyfriend.” You dig around in your naughty drawer, pull out your “ol reliable” and you find that the batteries are too low for even a baby orgasm. Sad sad sad day! (Or do you like to use your toy with your guy. Read our blog on 9 Ways to Use Your Sex Toy with your Lover.)

Well, this line of toys are all rechargeable! That means no batteries required. You just gotta make sure you pay your electricity bills to keep this yummy vibrator fully juiced. This toy we reviewed is called the Jopen vr7. We do sell it here on our online sex toy store for women and couples.

It loos sorta like a dolphin or platypus, doesn’t it? This luxurious toy is $195 retail. And, yes, I will say that it’s worth EVERY PENNY. This toy has power. This toy squirms and jiggles. It has one touch POWER OFF and it has a beautiful skin that is made with “premium” silicone which makes it warm up to the temperature of your body quickly and SUPER easy to keep clean and sanitary.

Now, we all know that my all time favorite toy ever is the 5 Speed Bullet which retails for $38. So, no one can accuse me of trying to always convince people to spend big bucks on big toys. I like to talk to each woman I meet and help her find just the right toy for her and her situation. But, if ever there were a toy you were going to spend $200 – this one should be right up there in your top 2 or 3 options.  The style of vibration is such a different and unique kind of frequency. And, it has dual motors. The frequency reminds me of the Philips style sonic toothbrushes. Yummmmmm. Feels completely different from a standard sex toy. Sorta like the Lia Magic Wand from Cal Exotics. And, they were crafty and put a vibe in the tip and a vibe in the base. GOOD THINKING JOPEN!

sex-toy-review  Many of the rechargeable toys are not enough vibration for me. They are just too weak and lose their charge quickly. But, this vibe has dual motors and seems to hold it’s charge for a very long time. So it starts off strong and it ends strong. (Just like a great lover.)

Beautifully crafted toy. Great skin. Love the color. Love the dual motors. Love the fact that it does not require any batteries. I love how quiet it is. I love that it squirms around and moves. I love that it’s easy to clean and is made with a material that will last and last. This toy gets 5 stars out of 5 stars from me. I wish it had a more memorable name, but it’s officially called the Jopen vr7. Lucky number 7, I think!

I’d love to hear from you if you own one. Do you love it as much as I do?

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