Sex Toys for Newbies: From time to time my customers or fans email me questions about some pretty serious stuff related to their sex life. Today I received one via Facemail from a woman who searched sex expert on Facebook and found me. She is 26 and has never had an orgasm. She gave me permission to share her question after removing her personal information:
“I’m writing because I’ve never been able to have an orgasm, either by myself or with a partner. Is that normal? I?ve recently started dating a new man and I’m afraid that this will affect our relationship. If you can offer any advice, I would really appreciate it! I am in love and the sex is great, but I just cannot climax. What do you suggest?”
Orgasms can be elusive for lots of women. I applaud her being so self-aware and seeking out answers. The answer I sent her was pretty long and comprehensive and we went back and forth quite a bit. In the end, since she has never tried a sex toy before, I suggested she try out the Silver Bullet or the “Magic Bullet” as some people call it. I also recommended she talk with her Gynecologist and maybe even talk with the other women in her family to see if they also have difficulty. My research is not scientific, but these types of things seem to run in families from what I can tell.
I am sure I sometimes sound like a broken record, but the silver bullet vibrator is such a perfect little sex toy. There are bigger, better, more powerful, and prettier. But, seriously the silver bullet clitoral stimulator is a great toy for women who are new to toys and new to orgasms.
We love to teach the 13 Ways to Use the Silver Bullet at our Pleasure Parties here in the Bay Area. In case we don’t ever get a chance to meet you at one of our pleasure parties, you can read our article about the 13 Ways to Use the Silver Bullet and maybe you will come up with some new ways, too!
We wish her luck and with her attitude and some tenacity, I think the bullet could really help her and in some women, it changes their lives. A simple little inexpensive sex toy. Perfection!
Ready to host your own pleasure party by Bliss? Call us at 408 826 9087 and book your own pleasure party. Or you can browse our very tasteful online sex toy store Blissconnection.com.
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