Times Square
Don’t let “auld” aquaintance be forgotten! (Have you ever seen the actual words to “Auld Lang Syne?” Here is a link so you can read it yourself. NUTTY.) New Year’s Eve can be a great way to get reacquainted with your sweetiepie!
We’re on a mission to give you some inspiration for you New Year’s Eve and we’re writing a series of blogs with some ideas for you to bring the heat to your New Year’s Celebration. Read our Part I to New Year’s Eve Sexy Ideas.
Why not make New Year’s Eve Game Night? If you have kids, start off with a game night for the family… bust out the Taboo or Uno and have lots of fun. Send the kids for a jog around the block a few times to get them good and tired. (Turn it into a competition to see who can get all the way around first… and send them a couple of times. Buy prizes! Do anything you can do to get them good and tired out so you and your “baby daddy” can have some fun once they crash at 9pm when the BALL DROPS in NYC! LOL.)
We hear from lots of customers that men are often party poopers when it comes to playing the adult games. But when you buy a game called LUST, or ORAL SEX, and promise him it will end in some fun for him (and maybe ply him with some of our fun naughty cocktails if you spending the evening in.) it’s hard for him to say no!
Men love STRIP POKER. How about STRIP CHOCOLATE? Having a group of friends over? How about some EROTIC STRIP POKER which works for parties of two or more!
Nine times out of ten, if you can make sure he knows you will be playing in your lingerie or are wearing some new sexy panties – and that the point is that you will be giving him some pleasure at the end of the game, he will go for it. (Oh, you could add some b.j. vouchers if he is one of those really cranky curmudgeons. Men can’t say no to a b.j.!)
Have fun and Happy New Year. Stay tuned for Part III and Part IV later this week as we CRANK IT UP A NOTCH for you kinkier readers.
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