4 GREAT reasons for more foreplay for women

by Chrystal Bougon on January 6, 2010

Text as foreplay

Text as foreplay

I was just talking about this on my radio show today with Hattie – the “original” cougar! I just blurted these 4 reasons out and it occurred to me, I need to have create a blog around this. Just in case women needed more ammo to convince their husbands or boyfriends to give them more foreplay, here are 4 great reasons:

1. The more foreplay the more natural lubrication our body creates!

2. The more foreplay we receive the more DESIRE we have for you. When it comes time for us to orgasm, we will have one so much more easily!

3. The more foreplay we receive the larger our clitoris becomes which makes it much easier to find in the dark!

4. The more foreplay we receive the larger our g-spot becomes which makes it easier to find with your “come -hither” fingers.  (The g-spot and the clitoris engorge with blood when we are excited.)

Not sure why anyone needs to be convinced…. the foreplay leads to much more inspired sex! I am pretty sure that has been proven to all of us over and over and over. But, we get busy, we get lazy, we rest on our laurels. 🙂

Have some FOREPLAY tips you want to share with us? Do you use TEXT Messages, PIC Messages or Emails for foreplay? Tell us about your new and interesting foreplay techniques? How do you build up the anticipation?

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{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Susan Liddy January 7, 2010 at 6:41 pm

Ooh, la, la!
I didn’t know about #4!!!
I think I’ll send a few foreplay text messages to my man. He’ll like that. Oh, but is that called “sexting?” Does that make me a sextor?


Elina Plumadore March 3, 2010 at 7:19 pm

Very interesting article. Couldn’t be written any better. Browsing this post reminds me of my old chum. He always kept talking about this. I will send this post to him. Pretty sure he will have a good chuckle. Thanks for sharing! 🙂

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