Orgasms for Men: Full Body & Ejaculatory Control on Better Sex Radio 11/18 at 11 a.m. Pacific

by Chrystal Bougon on November 13, 2009

Destin Gerek is the original Erotic Rockstar  We are so excited to feature Destin on Better Sex Radio on 11/18 at 11 a.m. Pacific as we stream live!

Destin is a California State Certified Somatic Sexologist through the Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality, an Erotic Empowerment Coach, and an Erotic Performer and Artist. An erotic educator since he was 18 years old, Destin has taken all that he’s learned, studied, and explored, and integrated it fully into his being, such that he really walks his talk.

Tune in on Nov. 18th at 11 a.m. to listen to Destin give our male listeners tips on becoming an extraordinary lover and he will tell us all about his 12 Week Orgasmic Mastery program you can participate in from the comfort of your own home and on your own computer!  Do you want to become an Erotic Rockstar?

 Destin works with individuals, couples, and groups and can help YOU take your connection to your own sexuality to the next level. He works with a coaching program that he developed called, “Unleash YOUR Inner Erotic Rockstar!”
Destin owns the production company, “Erotic Rockstar Productions” and is committed to creating top-notch erotic media that visually depicts sex at its highest expression of what it can be.  (He is also making a SPECIAL OFFER To my BLISS FRIENDS – $50 off his course if you sign up by 11/30 and use the coupon code 3483D6C. Thank you, Destin!)

You can also join Destin’s Facebook FanPage:  and you can also join our Better Sex Radio and BlissConnection Fan Page on Facebook at

Remember, our RADIO SHOW FANS are always eligible for a 15% Discount on our VERY tasteful online Sex Toy store – just use the coupon code RADIO for 15% off and Free Shipping on purchases over $25.


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Destin Gerek November 18, 2009 at 3:57 am

Chrystal, I look forward to our interview/conversation tomorrow.

Just as women are starting to learn that it is possible for them to have ejaculatory orgasms, more and more men are starting to learn that it is possible for them to have non-ejaculatory orgasms. The good side to sexuality having been repressed for such an incredibly long period of time is that we are still in a period of such incredible discovery. There is so much more to our sexuality than most of us ever even dream of!
-Destin Gerek

Chrystal Bougon November 18, 2009 at 10:27 am

Thank you, Destin. We have so much to learn from you. I think this is such a foreign concept for many men, so I am excited to introduce this concept to them. Thank you for sharing and being so generous with your expertise. Blissfully, Chrystal

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