What is the best relationship advice you have ever received?

by Chrystal Bougon on July 12, 2010

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I would love to hear from our readers and Facebook Fans. Please comment here on our Bliss-Radio.com blog. What is the best relationship advice you have ever received? Please post as a comment here and tell us who gave you that advice or if it works for you. Tell us about your current relationship, too, if you want. Is it new, is it established, are you in an alternative relationship? Thanks for your comments.

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{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

Kathy S. July 12, 2010 at 5:16 pm

I’ve received SO many great words of wisdom from my mom over the years, but one of my favorites is actually one that my husband’s mom told him once. When he asked her what the secret was to their 50-year (happy) marriage, she simply said “Never stop trying to delight each other”. Such a simple concept, but I think taking one for granted is one of the first steps that leads down the road of an unhappy relationship. Even the smallest thing can delight someone, like putting on a pair of sexy stilettos! :o)

Calle Zorro July 14, 2010 at 2:03 pm

Of course, there’s no ONE thing that leads to success…and this is particularly true in a relationship…but, one of the MOST IMPORTANT traits I found in my research of what makes for a happy, satisfying, fulfilling, and intimate marriage relationship between a man and a woman is this:

CHOOSE NOT to be offended at your partner!

DECIDE that you will NOT get offended at your partner’s “offenses”!

The fact is, in a relationship, there is ALWAYS something that your partner has said or done…or didn’t say or didn’t do…that you can be offended about.

But, people who are happily married (or who are in a happy long-term relationship) CHOOSE NOT to be offended at the normal, everyday “offenses”.

Now, you may be in that place where it seems IMPOSSIBLE for you to NOT be offended at your partner…but actually, it’s INCREDIBLY easy…just go back to the mentality you had when you first started dating your partner…because back then, you CHOSE NOT to be offended at the “offenses” of your partner…and there were PLENTY of “offenses” back then…but you CHOSE to ignore them.


Chrystal July 14, 2010 at 2:11 pm

Great advice, Calle. We did choose to ignore them in the beginning, didn’t we. 🙂

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